Do You Scrog!!!!


Well-Known Member
Let me know what your experience ( good or bad ) with the SCROG method. I want to know about the setup and stats.

I used SOG and Vertical before ow i wanna try this way so i am but i want to know from personal exp the thick and thin of SCROG growing


Well-Known Member
Im doing LST which is similiar, I dont think there are really any downsides to scrog or lst its just personal preference. my area is limited in heigth but got plenty of space around, so I pin the new upward growth every couple of weeks, what I got now is a bush, and every couple weeks after it grows up I pin it down and it makes more and more of a bush growing outwards rather than up. its getting big. Instead of having one large bud with smaller secondary buds the buds will grow all over because the inner part of the plant is exposed to light. I've heard scrog and lst producing higher yields in some circumstances but I cant say for sure. basically scrog is a good way to get a lot of nice sized buds in a compact area.


Well-Known Member
speaking of thick and thin...since I started training my plant the stalks have gotten really thick and its branching out every which way, its time consuming to pin the new growth because it gets so thick and bushy.


Well-Known Member
I got two plants at the moment, one I use LST the other not.

You would be friggin amazed at the difference between the two.

The LST plant is really thick and super healthy. The other is tall skinny, and I guess still healthy but I know I wont get the same buds.


Well-Known Member
the reason for this is...I think...the top leaves block light from the lower leaves so it just grows up and up trying for more light, but when its lst'd all the leaves are getting sufficent light so the whole plant just grows..up..but if you keep up the lst it grows out, and fast....atleast thats my reasoning:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well im just introducing flower and im ganna go SCROG with BIG BUD and see how it turns out


Well-Known Member
I am looking to start flowering in 1 week from now. I am almost getting to the point that even with tying down the big leaves, I don't have a lot of room left over to veg so I may as well flower.

I can't wait to see how your buds turn out.


Well-Known Member
itarted m scrog DIY build to day

1x4 lumber (2 @ 42" and 2 @ 24" ) as that is what fits in my closet.
Hardware cloth (1/2" mesh 19 gauge) 24" x 42"

flat brackets ( 8 to hold down the mesh to the wood )
wood screws (1 box 2" cut down)

this is the finished product



Well-Known Member
i will soon post it up in my room a soon as i fgure the best possible way to put t up open to any ideas.

ones i have are using the left over wood an makeing L brackets and just drilling through the top. or making a self all the way around and just laying it on top with pressure support


Well-Known Member
woah man, you need wayyy bigger mesh for that,
id say each hole about 2 inches, buds have to shoot up between those tiny half inch holes? how will that work?


Well-Known Member
what u mean?

do you know what scrog is?

this mesh is bigger than chicken wire and thats what most people use


Well-Known Member
I am waiting for my drill bat. to recharge then i will finish to day in about 3 to 4 hours i will keep it post with pics all the way


Well-Known Member
yeah but the holes have to be bigger than than 1/2 inch wide, branches go through the whole then later..buds
sorry if that doesnt make sence im blazed man lol


Well-Known Member
the holes need to big enough so that your plant can grow through, then you bend the branches that come out of the holes under the lengths of wire in the fence to train it to a certain height. I've read about similiar methods just using glass as the screen and you just fold it over when it hits the glass. With that fine screen your gonna lose alotta of light that your plant should be getting, thats why the glass or larger gauge chicken wire would work better.