Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

Do you support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal?

  • I support the deal

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • I oppose the deal

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
I just grabbed a file photo of a Kirov. Yes the Navy confirmed it was a Kirov Class, Two of the four are out and I did not catch which one it was. That`s a top crop BB, I wouldn`t go after it with anything but an Iowa Class.

All the trials I`ve read put the advantage Kirov at distance and advantage Iowa at close. But Iowa has ten times the armor and will take the beating before closing.

Unfortunately we struck them.
To find out why it's bad, just wait. It won't take 15 years, either.
I don't want to seem like I'm following you around or anything,
but you don't articulate your points very well. Maybe describe your arguments a little better for people, so we can see where you are coming from. Know what I mean?
I don't want to seem like I'm following you around or anything,
but you don't articulate your points very well. Maybe describe your arguments a little better for people, so we can see where you are coming from. Know what I mean?
Then quit following me around.Yeah, I know what you mean. ...I'm talking way over your head. Sorry, but I don't speak "stupid"
A reactor owned and operated by the sponsor would work just as well, so why was it gifted to Iran ?
Iran did not want that, they want to own and operate it at will, for free.

Calm before the storm...............
A reactor owned and operated by the sponsor would work just as well, so why was it gifted to Iran ?
Iran did not want that, they want to own and operate it at will, for free.

Calm before the storm...............
Who's the only country that nuked another in anger?

Why do you get to say who has access to nuclear power?
Who's the only country that nuked another in anger?

Why do you get to say who has access to nuclear power?

I answered this before,....The US used it as it was intended during war against global take-over.

WE invented it and everyone else that has it is stolen. Just so you know, regardless of the Government that has one,...the scientists have all the say so. I really don`t want to get into why that is.
Who's the only country that nuked another in anger?

Why do you get to say who has access to nuclear power?

As I stated, Iran can have several Nuclear reactors as long as the sponsor owns and operates them, otherwise the door for cheating is unlocked and clearly labeled. To have private ownership gifted by way of threat,....says sooooooo much about who ok`d this deal and the receiver of it.
I answered this before,....The US used it as it was intended during war against global take-over.

WE invented it and everyone else that has it is stolen. Just so you know, regardless of the Government that has one,...the scientists have all the say so. I really don`t want to get into why that is.
As I stated, Iran can have several Nuclear reactors as long as the sponsor owns and operates them, otherwise the door for cheating is unlocked and clearly labeled. To have private ownership gifted by way of threat,....says sooooooo much about who ok`d this deal and the receiver of it.
So dumb...
Yes it is dumb, so why do it ?

The fuel rods are hollow, the 238 spins super duper fast inside the hole and throws the 235 out into the walls of the hollow fuel rod, when it become lightly enriched with 235, you take it out and put it into the reactor. You leave it in and keep feeding it, it becomes heavily enriched bomb grade.

Very easy to do, very easy to hide, very hard to detect.
There is a very good reason why USA keeps there ships fairly good distance away and that is from Russia cruise missiles which have been parked in Iran for sometime you ever wonder why USA never attacked iran ??? :) that is why history has shown and know one can deny USA struggles with 3rd world countries .. for instance Iraq the carpet bombed them for days before they landed one troop ,, meaning they had air superiority ,, this would not be the case if they tryed that with Iran..
You recall the Korean war ??? where americans started crying when they were getting shot down ?? and found out it was Russian aces were cleaning house ?? you remember the outrage ?? again people tend to watch top gun and think man are our ships unstoppable
Ask your self what frightened the US Donald cook in the black sea ???
I know a unarmed russian JET did mock attacks on it only after it crippled the so called most advanced aegis missile system this ship was dead in the water ??
Who ever thought the someone would hack a drone anyone remember that incident?? or how about thy mighty F117 steath fighter jet amercia was so proud of saying its invisible lol it got shot down where ??? by a 3rd world country
USA has always underestimated there opponent and that is there down fall
What i get a kick out of is although USA made the first atomic bomb and yea you get credit for making the first but lets not forget like the german fighter Jet Horton which usa reversed engineered after taking the tech from the germans is ironic but hey hold on a minute what about this
On August 2, 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify uranium-235, which could be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known then only as "The Manhattan Project." interesting and what year did USA bomb Hiroshima??
looks like its starting to come together most americans believe that other nations copy there ideas when USA has done it from the beginning RINGS HOLLOW
Does anyone remember the incident when a Chinese sub surfaced inbetween a japan and US navy exercise ??? it surfaced next to a carrier meaning holy crap how could it get passed all the so called battle ships protecting her again Rings hollow
or what about the Chinese sub missile launch off San Francisco hmm interesting yeah think ?? then you look at the J Robert Oppenheimer last name appears to be german lol interesting not joe Smith lmao ..
Who's the only country that nuked another in anger?

Why do you get to say who has access to nuclear power?

Because....the bible!

I really think the Israel love and ME hate comes from the prophecies in the bible (would have to look them up for specifics) and people think Iran having nukes is end of times. It doesn't help that Iran's leadership is bat shit chest thumping insane and making threats, but if Iran gets a bomb the world will end this I know, because the bible tells me so.

Only thing I can come up with.
cause the bible told you so lol cmon dude seriously can we not look at USA as the evil of our planet they purposely start wars , empose embargo's starve people take away a persons dignity, does the bible say USA has all say of things ??? who made iran the evil ?? USA
does china classify them as evil does japan ??? russia
it all comes down to what side of the fence your on
but when a person climbs a fence but stops on top and really starts looking on both sides then a real person can say WTF ..
the bible means shit always has and always will it been doctored through out history to benifit something or someone
if the bible was equal along the plain then it could be taken as meaning
the bible clearly shows racism at its finest
no person or country shall deny any other nation from advancements End of story

PS ask your self what causes someone to become a terrorist personally i think it would be someone that has been pushed into a corner and is lashing out only way they can believe it or not terrorism has a meaning behind it
and for some the meaning is killing you because you fucked them at one time or another
cause the bible told you so lol cmon dude seriously can we not look at USA as the evil of our planet they purposely start wars , empose embargo's starve people take away a persons dignity, does the bible say USA has all say of things ??? who made iran the evil ?? USA
does china classify them as evil does japan ??? russia
it all comes down to what side of the fence your on
but when a person climbs a fence but stops on top and really starts looking on both sides then a real person can say WTF ..
the bible means shit always has and always will it been doctored through out history to benifit something or someone
if the bible was equal along the plain then it could be taken as meaning
the bible clearly shows racism at its finest
no person or country shall deny any other nation from advancements End of story

PS ask your self what causes someone to become a terrorist personally i think it would be someone that has been pushed into a corner and is lashing out only way they can believe it or not terrorism has a meaning behind it
and for some the meaning is killing you because you fucked them at one time or another

Just my opinion, I'm not saying I believe what our leaders are selling, I'm just saying I think that's the deep rooted reasoning behind the nonsense. I think you missed the sarcasm.

I'm in the camp that the US shouldn't "tell" another sovereign nation what to do.
Its about time usa starts to worry about there own people rather then trying to police the world
people have to realize that USA is no longer number 1 they been fighting the number 1 status for years
China has closed in if you think about it china has closed the super power gap at lighting speed ,
Russia same thing as USA paraded around trying to show everyone there super power status they never realized they were being dissected
Usa know is being challenged for world superiority and we going to see shortly a change in super power status
Real shortly nations like Russia, China , india , pakistan have been patient but ithink times have changed and every is getting sick n tired of nato and usa
truth is super power status is being changed before everyone's eyes
There is a very good reason why USA keeps there ships fairly good distance away and that is from Russia cruise missiles which have been parked in Iran for sometime you ever wonder why USA never attacked iran ??? :) that is why history has shown and know one can deny USA struggles with 3rd world countries .. for instance Iraq the carpet bombed them for days before they landed one troop ,, meaning they had air superiority ,, this would not be the case if they tryed that with Iran..
You recall the Korean war ??? where americans started crying when they were getting shot down ?? and found out it was Russian aces were cleaning house ?? you remember the outrage ?? again people tend to watch top gun and think man are our ships unstoppable
Ask your self what frightened the US Donald cook in the black sea ???
I know a unarmed russian JET did mock attacks on it only after it crippled the so called most advanced aegis missile system this ship was dead in the water ??
Who ever thought the someone would hack a drone anyone remember that incident?? or how about thy mighty F117 steath fighter jet amercia was so proud of saying its invisible lol it got shot down where ??? by a 3rd world country
USA has always underestimated there opponent and that is there down fall
What i get a kick out of is although USA made the first atomic bomb and yea you get credit for making the first but lets not forget like the german fighter Jet Horton which usa reversed engineered after taking the tech from the germans is ironic but hey hold on a minute what about this
On August 2, 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify uranium-235, which could be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known then only as "The Manhattan Project." interesting and what year did USA bomb Hiroshima??
looks like its starting to come together most americans believe that other nations copy there ideas when USA has done it from the beginning RINGS HOLLOW
Does anyone remember the incident when a Chinese sub surfaced inbetween a japan and US navy exercise ??? it surfaced next to a carrier meaning holy crap how could it get passed all the so called battle ships protecting her again Rings hollow
or what about the Chinese sub missile launch off San Francisco hmm interesting yeah think ?? then you look at the J Robert Oppenheimer last name appears to be german lol interesting not joe Smith lmao ..

The only reason Cook had to stand down is the ROE. Skipper could not act until he had permission,`s stupid but you need to know the corruption in the Government has a lot to do with that. I would have splashed the jet and took the blame. The plane would not survive the 5" up front.

An attack on Iran will involve stand off weapons that cripple Iran Power, water, ports,..bridges, dams,...first. Tell me why the tanker wars came to a sudden stop when NJ and Whiskey arrived ? Cuz SAM`s and ASM don`t work on BB`s.

Russian Nuclear Tec. started with theft. So stop the BS about how good they are.

An Iranian beech landing is easy to do. SAM`s don`t hit individual troops. You can`t slam a ship you don`t know is there.

How many times has the US popped up on USSR and Chinese ships,...forgot that little detail, didn`t you, everyone can do that, just don`t pop up to a BB or CAG. you wont like what happens.

Do you remember the rescue of the sub down in Russia ?

But I`ll give you this,...Putin took the ice bucket challenge like no other, including his lame ass sub Skipper`s attempt.