Do you think a religious person should have the right to not hire atheists based on their religion?

Do you think a religious person should have the right to not hire atheists based on their religion?

  • Yes, they should have the right to hire who they want for whatever reason they want, regardless of..

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No, they shouldn't be able to deny equal employment opportunities based on..

    Votes: 16 72.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
no, i think the point is to out the bigots like you who feel you should be allowed to deny goods and services to blacks and gays because they are black or gay.
Im not a bigot, and unlike yourself, i didn't help found Stormfront. Stop hiding behind your false outrage, everyone already knows you are a KKK member and founder of Stormfront, stop denying the truth little man.


Well-Known Member
Im not a bigot
don't have a meltdown, you are indeed a bigot, and a plagiarist to boot.

you refer to chesus's wife by the racial slur "LBFM", you have been a member of stormfront for 5 years now, you are against civil rights, and today you have been trying to rewrite history in the same way that your white supremacist buddy ginwilly did.

you befriend all the racists on this site and never speak out against their racism.

and is your fucking ignore button broken or something, ya little bitch?


Well-Known Member
don't have a meltdown, you are indeed a bigot, and a plagiarist to boot.

you refer to chesus's wife by the racial slur "LBFM", you have been a member of stormfront for 5 years now, you are against civil rights, and today you have been trying to rewrite history in the same way that your white supremacist buddy ginwilly did.

you befriend all the racists on this site and never speak out against their racism.

and is your fucking ignore button broken or something, ya little bitch?

LOL your claim that I am on stormfront is not correct, the user name isn't even the same.

Unlike your membership


Well-Known Member
OK, so I think now you're talking about two different things; who you would rather hire based on your personal preferences and what should and shouldn't be legal. I'm with you on who you would like to hire over who you wouldn't and why, but I think where we might disagree is the basis on which you should legally be allowed to make that decision. Like I said before, if there was some guy out there who thought for whatever reasons people with blue eyes were less hardworking than those without, would that be a legitimate reason to deny someone equal employment opportunities? What if it was based on birthday? Birth location? Hair color? Height/weight? ... Hopefully you see where I'm getting at..

My question to you is, where do we draw the line between "religious rights" and civil rights? Do LGBT people deserve equal protection under the law? If so, should religious folk who own private businesses be required, by law, to serve people, regardless of the nature of their business?
You can legally discriminate for all the conditions you just mentioned. I'm sure that wasn't by accident.


Well-Known Member
I have always worked for small law firms. I have worked for assholes who wouldn't hire fat women, minorities, too old, too ugly, HIV+.... the list goes on. I have been fired within minutes of 'finding out' that my boyfriend was of another race or that my children are bi-racial (happened three different times... within literal minutes) While I think most of them are pigs, I firmly believe that if I own a business, I have the right to hire the person that best fits my idea of a perfect employee. I do not have the right to publicly advertise for a specific type that discriminates against a protected class of people (sex, age, religion, race). I simply have to interview all of the (on paper) qualified people and do my best to decide which fits my vision. I do not in any way believe that I have the right to discriminate against any member of the public who chooses to use my services or buy my products. As Uncle Buck mentioned, a Public business does not have the right to discriminate against the Public. Private business, members only organizations, religions, etc.... have the right to discriminate all they want to.


Well-Known Member
By the way.... while you guys are up there ^^ arguing about who's the biggest bigot... you BOTH are. I've never even heard of that site and the fact that you know about it, clearly are registered users and re-posted screenshots of that garbage proves it. Grow up, stand up for what you are and get over it. Who gives a shit who the bigger hater is. This post is about religion, not race... I know you probably have strong hateful opinions on both but try to keep them separate.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I need to get a pizza joint to cater my inter-species wedding. Anybody know of a pizza joint I can persecute and destroy their living?

I proposed to a gold fish and I think he said yes, but it was kind of bubbly sounding so he might have asked me if I am a progressive. Not really sure, but I want to line up a law suit to be prepared.


Well-Known Member
I need to get a pizza joint to cater my inter-species wedding. Anybody know of a pizza joint I can persecute and destroy their living?

I proposed to a gold fish and I think he said yes, but it was kind of bubbly sounding so he might have asked me if I am a progressive. Not really sure, but I want to line up a law suit to be prepared.

Are you going to have a cupcake wedding cake?


Well-Known Member
I need to get a pizza joint to cater my inter-species wedding. Anybody know of a pizza joint I can persecute and destroy their living?

I proposed to a gold fish and I think he said yes, but it was kind of bubbly sounding so he might have asked me if I am a progressive. Not really sure, but I want to line up a law suit to be prepared.
Did you actually think that was smart when you typed it out..?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
no, i think the point is to out the bigots like you who feel you should be allowed to deny goods and services to blacks and gays because they are black or gay.
If a person owns their own body, who should decide how they will use it?

If a person wants to be left alone on their own property, do you take your ax to their door and say, "you will serve me or else" ?

It seems like you want to run other peoples lives for them, even when they agree not to associate with you. Why would you do that?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Did you actually think that was smart when you typed it out..?
I thought it appropriate for this shitty thread. Do you suppose a muslim baker would make a wedding cake for a gay couple? That would be a terrible conundrum for you. Which one is higher on the victim ladder?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
If a person owns their own body, who should decide how they will use it?

If a person wants to be left alone on their own property, do you take your ax to their door and say, "you will serve me or else" ?

It seems like you want to run other peoples lives for them, even when they agree not to associate with you. Why would you do that?
Cause fascists gotta fasc.


Well-Known Member
I was in a position for 2 decades where I could hire & fire dozens of people at a whack , as an employer hiring on preconceived ideas about people seriously limits the talent of your work force .

I would give people one day to prove their self & base my decision at the end of their work day , some stayed & some went home .

With that being said if the job involves the employees must believe in the religion to perform their job at its highest level of performance then yes employers should be able to hire based on religion .

If religion has nothing to do with their job function then no the employer shouldn't base hiring on religious beliefs .

If ya own a bible store or shit like that it's in the employers best interest if all employees believe in the religion their representing , if the business is making widgets or dildos beliefs are a non issue .


Well-Known Member
By the way.... while you guys are up there ^^ arguing about who's the biggest bigot... you BOTH are. I've never even heard of that site and the fact that you know about it, clearly are registered users and re-posted screenshots of that garbage proves it. Grow up, stand up for what you are and get over it. Who gives a shit who the bigger hater is. This post is about religion, not race... I know you probably have strong hateful opinions on both but try to keep them separate.
Damm , I think I just crapped my pants , that needed to be said so bad , the Stormfront shit has been beaten to death by both sides & lost its use 3,000 posts ago .

Too much personal hatred on here & it's sad .