Do you think the Dem party should move more right, left or stay the same to win future elections?

Should Democrats move right, left, or stay the same?

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She won the popular vote by over keep forgetting that.

But either way, maybe not Hillary but someone moderates in the party can look at and say "I'm not sure about the 'Socialist' but that's a face I can trust".
Right. Because 'a face we can trust' is going to solve all our problems.

It's about the ISSUES, people.

Yeah, right. That's exactly what we need. Someone who can tell us how bad Trump is. Not someone who can tell you how they'll be better than Trump.. What their policy positions are. What they stand for, what they believe in, what their values mean to them.. Just how shit Trump is.. Didn't you know he sucks? He totally sucks so bad, guyz. Like, really, so bad. Sad. Right? I mean..?

But hey, let's let him fuck the country up and just ride it out! Eventually, the American people will turn back to the Democratic party because the Republicans are so bad! Right..? After Bush we did!

suck trump's dick already. he is really bad. even if you choose to stay in your little bubble of privilege and ignore it.
suck trump's dick already. he is really bad. even if you choose to stay in your little bubble of privilege and ignore it.
How bad is Trump though? I'm not sure everybody knows yet how bad he is.. I think what we should do is just keep telling everyone how so bad he is, you know? How he just is so, mean and stuff. How bad his language is, how hot tempered he seems around the White house.. How when he puts on his suit, it doesn't ever look right.. How he doesn't know how to stand or what to do with his hands, how like, he just, kind of, is always on vacation..? Maybe?

We shouldn't talk about his Goldman Sachs cabinet picks, his gutting of $880 billion from healthcare and increase in military spending, his cuts for the rich and increases on the middle-class, his foreign investments, his conflicts of interest, his simple policy blunders... Nah, let's not talk about any of that actual important shit that affects people.

We shouldn't talk about his Goldman Sachs cabinet picks, his gutting of $880 billion from healthcare and increase in military spending, his cuts for the rich and increases on the middle-class, his foreign investments, his conflicts of interest, his simple policy blunders... Nah, let's not talk about any of that actual important shit that affects people.

search it and see who has talked about those more, padaraper. your reality is fucking inverted.

meanwhile, in padaland: why is hillary coughing?!?!?!?
search it and see who has talked about those more
You love you some Goldman Sachs though! Hillary Clinton took a fat $600,000 bribe from them, but as soon as Donald Trump appoints 4 top GS guys to prominent positions, GS is BAD BAD BAD!! So is Hillary Clinton bad, too, for accepting the bribes? Nah, right? That would require consistency!
You love you some Goldman Sachs though! Hillary Clinton took a fat $600,000 bribe from them, but as soon as Donald Trump appoints 4 top GS guys to prominent positions, GS is BAD BAD BAD!! So is Hillary Clinton bad, too, for accepting the bribes? Nah, right? That would require consistency!

trump actually has 6 goldman sachs people in his cabinet.

and you still fail to differentiate between donations from their college educated employees living in one of the most diverse cities in the united states, and the company itself.

hint: the donations came from the employees. if you had any evidence whatsoever of a bribe, you'd have posted about it. instead, you made threads about "OMGZ WHY IS HILLARY COUGHING?!?!?!".

and yes, in a world where there are twice as many fortune 500 CEOs named "john" as there are female CEOs of any name, i sure appreciate hillary taking their money in order to give speeches about the importance of female entrepreneurs. i can see why you don't though, you are scared and intimidated of women to a laughable extent.

not quite what i would call a progressive or liberal value in any way.
me: [donates $250 to local congressperson, asking them to stand up for immigrant rights]

padaraper: nice try at identity fucking politics, BRIBEY McBRIBERSON!

padaraper: so good to be a progressive liberal. why can't more people fight the good fight?
$250 donations are not the problem and you know it.

$250 THOUSAND is another story.

Stop deliberately mischaracterising the problem. It just makes you look like a troll.
$250 donations are not the problem and you know it.

$250 THOUSAND is another story.

Stop deliberately mischaracterising the problem. It just makes you look like a troll.

you literally told me that personal donations were bribes though.
you literally told me that personal donations were bribes though.
If we stick to a universally accessible amount, I'd be plenty happy with that.

And in order to do it at all, you have to be a living, breathing American. NOT a corporation.
If we stick to a universally accessible amount, I'd be plenty happy with that.

And in order to do it at all, you have to be a living, breathing American. NOT a corporation.

there is no such thing as a universally accessible amount. there are poor people who can't afford to give a dollar.
there is no such thing as a universally accessible amount. there are poor people who can't afford to give a dollar.
Where do you suggest we draw the line? $100? $27?
I think the current situation of unlimited and anonymous contributions is corrosive to our democracy.
He/she wins

Sanders has proven political labels are societal constructs designed to divide. Moderate Democrats call him a 'far-left "radical"' and condemn his policies as being "too progressive", while Republicans deep in "Trump country" in places like Kentucky and West Virginia applaud his conviction for single-payer and helping the working class.

Precisely. When it was called Obamacare in Kentucky, it was the most abhorred..but change it to KYNECT..and everyone's onbhorred.

Incidentally, this is part of the tribalism that exists with human names as well.
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Rob you're not even at the game... you're sitting home watching American why comment?

You're half right.

I don't participate in ritualistic voting / robbing my neighbor.

I am not watching American Idol though. Nature and science maybe or Trailer Park Boys.
Oh, so same shit different face?

What's that line about doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result?
Just for once consider you might be wrong about a US-wide left majority. In a country that is more conservative than you, another moderate Democratic nomination is likely. Not because money bought it but because that is the kind of leader people prefer. Kind of like 2016. (insert rage here)

In which case, ninja's point is valid.
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people are stupid, and if you can successfully predict what they're going to means you understand stupidity a little too well.
what should happen is that people who feel the need to vote should pay attention to the voting records of sitting politicians, and vote for the ones that support the things they like, and vote out the ones that support things they don't like. not really that complicated, except it requires people to do a little "work" and to think a small amount. so that ain't happening.
any "cosmetic" changes are just bullshit. why even encourage it? why not encourage people to get the fuck off their lazy asses and read, talk to each other, actually learn what the people they're voting for stand for? instead of camouflaging the shit pile, clean it up
Calling people stupid is dismissing their views. Most people aren't stupid. Most people are average. The average human is pretty smart. That you think they are stupid is more on you and your inability or unwillingness to understand. I do the same too, not saying I'm above all this.

Trump supporters sound like idiots to me too. But that's because we have a different world view, not because they are dumb. Also, for the most part, they want the same for this country as you and I. Calling people stupid accomplishes negative results from people who can be allies.