DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log


Well-Known Member
i know its alil scary in person

the funny thing id that with this grow ive been tryin to stick to the less is more motto ive been feeding her at about 1/3 the recomended dose for the gh floranova bcause a trusted grower heath robinson convinced me the best thing to do is just let the plant grow and get out of its way..and bcause i heard the rhinos are so nute shy and by-golly it worked my biggest buds to date healthiest leaves..i mean im still giving her half an half veg/bloom im scared to see whats gonna happen when go full bloom w/additives but im planning on keeping her under 1200 ppm thru out


Well-Known Member
ok my bad im so stoned i answered what i knew to b a retorical question ie. what r u feeding that thing...and i used the phrase


Well-Known Member
Hey SICC how's it goin! They are all around three feet high now, except the one I tied - she's at three and a half feet.
Going good, i've been lurking this whole time, felt it was time to start posting :blsmoke:

your plants look wonderful! :joint:


Well-Known Member
ok my bad im so stoned i answered what i knew to b a retorical question ie. what r u feeding that thing...and i used the phrase
Quite all right, I really was asking, not just rhetorically. She's putting my girls to shame!

[QUOTE="SICC";3882779]Going good, i've been lurking this whole time, felt it was time to start posting :blsmoke:

your plants look wonderful! :joint:[/QUOTE]
Thanks! Nice to know you're out there, lurking or not! hehe My little ones don't look as well this morning - I definately nute burned them. Not to the point of drying out and shrivelling (I hope) but the majority of leaves are yellow-edged, a couple with tiny brown spots. They do seem to like the MH light, however.


Well-Known Member
Damn DE you got a lot going over there.

Wish I was in the neighborhood to help...

I can't wait to get started again got a couple weeks left till the son comes and after that got another 2 month wait to get cracking lol. Till then your journal holds me off every couple days. Your gonna love the kush's they are just amazing preformers coated in resin. Anyways I'll be lurking till the next awesome pic update.



Well-Known Member
i might have missed it but what's the wattage of the mh
The MH light is a 400w GG, I've got two of 'em.
Damn DE you got a lot going over there.

Wish I was in the neighborhood to help...

I can't wait to get started again got a couple weeks left till the son comes and after that got another 2 month wait to get cracking lol. Till then your journal holds me off every couple days. Your gonna love the kush's they are just amazing preformers coated in resin. Anyways I'll be lurking till the next awesome pic update.

Hey GFK, nice to have you, as always. Bet it's hard to have to wait, eh?

A pic of my babies under the MH last night, tried to load it this morning but the site wouldn't let me. You cans ee the bit of yellowing on them.:wall:

EDIT: After looking at thim this eveing, it appears all of them are actually dealing with the nutes pretty well, except for the Cheese babies. Any of you guys grow Cheese out before? Nute sensitive or just too young?



Well-Known Member
The MH light is a 400w GG, I've got two of 'em.

Hey GFK, nice to have you, as always. Bet it's hard to have to wait, eh?

A pic of my babies under the MH last night, tried to load it this morning but the site wouldn't let me. You cans ee the bit of yellowing on them.:wall:

EDIT: After looking at thim this eveing, it appears all of them are actually dealing with the nutes pretty well, except for the Cheese babies. Any of you guys grow Cheese out before? Nute sensitive or just too young?
Hi Doe, I bought a cutting tent for my babies today... Its going to give me much better climate control with winter hitting us hard here soon... :-( Just thought I'd show you cause I know you were concerned about yours...


Well-Known Member
Nice! We're on the other side of the world, my friend, and Spring is almost here, for us - warmer weather is moving in at last. My ladies are all inside my house though - if it gets too cold, we're all in trouble, not just the plants, lol.


Well-Known Member
im in a hot ass state for me spring brings drama....ive been holding good with temps about 74-79 all winter but my temps usually rise to about 82-85 in the spring and


Well-Known Member
Looking good in there Doe. You have done so much since the begining......
Wow. GFK a father...... Man time goes by fast. Looking forward to future grows!


Well-Known Member
Well I transplanted most of the little ones today, into their three gallon homes. Glad I did, the roots were looking a bit crowded! Now I'm thinking about it - wish I would have taken a picture of the roots. Hopefully I'll see some nice new growth. They seem to be recovering from the nute shock - what do you guys think, go ahead and feed them this weekend (they'll be a little over three weeks) or wait a bit more because of the burn?
Hubby was feeling a bit left out of the growing action, so since I had a few spots open, he started some tomato plants.

The hempy experiment is still going well. Train Wreck baby is looking less overwatered, now I've backed off on watering the peat pellet. The little twin, Andrea, is also still thriving - she has a second set of leaves coming in, yay!

The clones are liking their new spot under the 600. No stretching yet, but I am seeing a lot of new growth off the branches - they look bushier already, in just a couple days.

Big girls are developing nice trichs already. I moved the plant out of the center, and put the shortest one in the middle - I just felt like it was a tad too warm for the taller girl right under there. The smell is still a nice, mild, citrus smell - very pleasant!

Got the sprayers in for my cloner, and my jumbo bag of perlite (4 cu f). Still waiting on the net pots and neoprene inserts, and the Clonex gel. When these youngest plants get older, I'll try out the cloner on them, first - before it counts. If the tops are big enough when I cut them, maybe I'll try a few of those.:leaf:

Just got Dish Network hooked up, awesome to have channels again. However - whatever he did, knocked my connection speed back further, to a whopping 33.6kbps.:sad: Gonna take a minute or 30 to upload pictures.:wall: God, I hate dial-up. I'm seriously considering paying the rediculous prices for satellite internet.



Well-Known Member
I would just wait a lil bit for the nutes, but im sure they would be fine if you did go ahead and feed them with weekend, but i would just play it face.

the plants look great, i use a sight called

set my album to private and im set to go
and i use the bulk uploader and it loads the pics pretty fast, i never upload on RIU, in that it takes forever, jus an suggestion, then afte they load, i use the IMG codes and paste them in my journal


Well-Known Member
Never grown cheese before but so I wouldn't REALLY know but I'd say a bit early to be giving nutrients.

Forgive me for not looking but what strains are currently flowering now?

Wonder my man whats going on? Not a father yet got a couple more weeks for that. Time has just flown by especially when I stopped getting on RIU every day. I hope everything is still going strong in your neck of the woods bro.



Well-Known Member
Looking real good. Nice looking plants Doe. They all look real healthy. Very full.

GFK- things are good. I got a new thread around here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, and SICC, appreciate the tip. GFK - My flowering girls, clones included, are all GHS Lemon Skunk. I hadn't realized you had a little one on the way - when you said your son was coming, I thought you meant for a visit! lol Congrats!