Does anyone breed AND clone seeds?


I am just curious. I want to know what the purpose of breeding for seeds is when you can just clone, instead of cloning and breeding.

Much thanks!:peace:


cloning is carrying on the same exact traits as the mother.

breeding on the other hand is starting a brand new set of plant in hopes to finding a certain set of characteristics that aren't prevalent in any other strain and building upon that set and trying to make a majority of the genes available during reproduction to represent that certain set of traits you/breeder chose when the breeder started. along with this you can take two already stable strains and cross them, and with the seeds you procure from that cross [f1 i believe] you plant them all and figure out which ones are the ones that have the traits you are looking for. when you find the male and female that show the traits you want you cross those [f2] and the seeds that come from that you repeat the steps and keep doing it until the majority of the gene population shows mostly/only the traits you set in the first place. the end game in breeding is to have something that you isolated from a larger gene pool.

sober and can't sleep... fucking aye.