Does anyone grow using water only, no nutes? I always get nute burn no matter what..


Well-Known Member
how is he locked when he fed once....did anyone read his info???..ya to much food and not keeping good ph will eventulay lock but he hasnt been feeding,. lock up is nutes thaqt bind together and cant be used now. so they die eventualy
Have you not seen the before and after pictures though? How is that one day after a feeding they turned into a disaster? They were lush, green, and thick. The day after I feed them and everything crisps up and dies. They have almost no leaves left now. =(

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you didnt by chance just pour the raw nutes right into the plant???..i actualy had a kid a while back claim fox fart told him to do it that way...his died super quick also

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
it cant be just from 1 feeding and over night. food takes a few days to show what the result is. even synthetics do...
dude im getting the same thing, its like i can fertilize or they get burne but if i dnt fertilize they get deficient. check this out:hey neone know if using apple cider vinegar as a ph down kills mycorrhizae? i used in on some month old clones and the started to get deficient in everything ever since then its been an up and down battle from underfeeding to overfeeding to nutrient lock. i stopped using apple cider vinegar in my teas and just let the ph go i mean i still check it for idk what reason and its usually 6.3 to 7.1 at the highest ive ever seen it. So i flushed the plants with plain water half tap half RO ph of that is usually no higher than 7.15 than i made a tea consisting of 1/4 strength super thrive, 1/4 tbsp/gallon mollasses and 1 tsp/ gallon humic acids 8% along with foxfarm happyfrog soil cause i cant afford mycorrhize right now but i jus strained it in the water then brewed and leached the tea through my pots. let sit for 3 days and theytunedall neon green with purple stems and the purple is almost dark with a slight red hue to it and it seems to climb up the stem with the top leaves a real light green and forming claws also the veins look more exxagerrated on the leaves or more "indentated" i guess is more like it also the one plants got a few fan leaves that are cupped and turned sidewaysat a 90 degree angle and has yellowing and falling leaves in a random order i grow in a coconut/soil mixture. idk but i feel like no matter what i try to do:just leave it alone, give extra light nutes, give normal strength nutes, flush and replenish with balanced ratios and myrobes, just chill and give plain water for a while, foliar feed instead, etcetcetc... ivetried every approach i can think of and it all seems to not be right. i feel like ther is something wrong with the ph but im really reluctant to use apple cider vinegar to lower it cause i think it kills microbes and i cant do that i worked in a hydro warehouse that made me sick cause i couldnt feel nething from those plants t all i could feel was greed and lack of respect for the planet and true life...neways ive narrowed it down to my ph meter being bad or something but when i use the reference 7.0 solution it reads perfect but that to me still doesnt mean ists working perfectly when dipped in another solution its just one of those red digital ph meters from Hanna Instruments and ive heard that they suck...neone else have one? problems? this indoor stuff is making me go looney for real back home we just use good compost and make sure pests are down and just pour water on the plants with the occasional fish and seaweed tea and its all good ne advice with all organic tean and soil/coco indoor growing temps are Veg: 400 watt MH and 4 bulb T% fixture 85day75night avg humidity:40% Flower:400 watt MH and 1000wattHPS 80day65-70night avg humudity25-35% oh yeah i had tinnie little microscopic crawlies in teh soil so i did a pyrethrum/rotenone flush at 1tsp/gal let sit overnight next day did the plain flush as described above and now this is where im at my nutes are teas but i use Age Old Grow, Fish and seaweed and Bloom in the teas all 1 tsp/gal and humic acids 1tsp/gal with 1 handfull earthworm castings per 2-5 gal also mollasses Blackstrap for flower Brer Rabbit for veg(lower in nutes than blackstrap)al 1 tbsp/gal or 1 tsp depending on how much other fertilizer i use like for small plants in 4" pots. oh yeah and the ones in just straight soil or mostly soil are not getting bad as fast mostly potassium def.-leaf edges and tips crisping and yellowing but the yellowing/dying off is more rapid in the coco/soil mixture note also that it seems the yellowing and dying is startig from the bottom while the cupping ,light light green color and clawing and indented veins is starting at the tops and the dark purple/reddish is coming frm the bottom of each branch, not the main stem, and working up​
Dude im getting the same thing, its like i cant fertilize or they get burned but if i dont fertiliz they get deficient. Check this out:they neone know if using apple cider vinegar as a ph down kills mycorrhizae? i used in on some month old clones and the started to get deficient in everything ever since then its been an up and down battle from underfeeding to overfeeding to nutrient lock. i stopped using apple cider vinegar in my teas and just let the ph go i mean i still check it for idk what reason and its usually 6.3 to 7.1 at the highest ive ever seen it. So i flushed the plants with plain water half tap half RO ph of that is usually no higher than 7.15 than i made a tea consisting of 1/4 strength super thrive, 1/4 tbsp/gallon mollasses and 1 tsp/ gallon humic acids 8% along with foxfarm happyfrog soil cause i cant afford mycorrhize right now but i jus strained it in the water then brewed and leached the tea through my pots. let sit for 3 days and theytunedall neon green with purple stems and the purple is almost dark with a slight red hue to it and it seems to climb up the stem with the top leaves a real light green and forming claws also the veins look more exxagerrated on the leaves or more "indentated" i guess is more like it also the one plants got a few fan leaves that are cupped and turned sidewaysat a 90 degree angle and has yellowing and falling leaves in a random order i grow in a coconut/soil mixture. idk but i feel like no matter what i try to do:just leave it alone, give extra light nutes, give normal strength nutes, flush and replenish with balanced ratios and myrobes, just chill and give plain water for a while, foliar feed instead, etcetcetc... ivetried every approach i can think of and it all seems to not be right. i feel like ther is something wrong with the ph but im really reluctant to use apple cider vinegar to lower it cause i think it kills microbes and i cant do that i worked in a hydro warehouse that made me sick cause i couldnt feel nething from those plants t all i could feel was greed and lack of respect for the planet and true life...neways ive narrowed it down to my ph meter being bad or something but when i use the reference 7.0 solution it reads perfect but that to me still doesnt mean ists working perfectly when dipped in another solution its just one of those red digital ph meters from Hanna Instruments and ive heard that they suck...neone else have one? problems? this indoor stuff is making me go looney for real back home we just use good compost and make sure pests are down and just pour water on the plants with the occasional fish and seaweed tea and its all good ne advice with all organic tean and soil/coco indoor growing temps are Veg: 400 watt MH and 4 bulb T% fixture 85day75night avg humidity:40% Flower:400 watt MH and 1000wattHPS 80day65-70night avg humudity25-35% oh yeah i had tinnie little microscopic crawlies in teh soil so i did a pyrethrum/rotenone flush at 1tsp/gal let sit overnight next day did the plain flush as described above and now this is where im at my nutes are teas but i use Age Old Grow, Fish and seaweed and Bloom in the teas all 1 tsp/gal and humic acids 1tsp/gal with 1 handfull earthworm castings per 2-5 gal also mollasses Blackstrap for flower Brer Rabbit for veg(lower in nutes than blackstrap)al 1 tbsp/gal or 1 tsp depending on how much other fertilizer i use like for small plants in 4" pots. oh yeah and the ones in just straight soil or mostly soil are not getting bad as fast mostly potassium def.-leaf edges and tips crisping and yellowing but the yellowing/dying off is more rapid in the coco/soil mixture note also that it seems the yellowing and dying is startig from the bottom while the cupping ,light light green color and clawing and indented veins is starting at the tops and the dark purple/reddish is coming frm the bottom of each branch, not the main stem, and working up​

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
everything he posted....stop doing it. ita all wrong, your all over the place abnd dont realy make sence to me. cant use ro water and tap, cant use apple cider vinigar, this isnt makibg cocktail hour, its white vinigar..plain jane. i stopped reading after that


Well-Known Member
karma isnt a nute and again nutes dont burn..they cant. karma is humic acid and molasses. its meant to feed the microbial in the soil and thats all. plants dont uptake that form of sugar, the sugar or carbs feed the microbes and thats what turns the stuff into food, ...and those make the nitro
Its has no mollasses in it. Its derived from guanos, kelps, spirulina, and soybean meal and do contain active carbohydrates as well as vitamins, amino acids, and active carbohydrates that are not derived from sulfates. It is excellent for hot plants to keep them hungry and not burn. If you used it you might find out for yourself. or just keep burning them

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
think what ya want. i have uised it and i also work for a nute co so we have more info on what its made of, just cause it may not be on the label dont mean its not in it


Tell him again. They are starving. They are overfed.......... Well since these guys can not make up their minds on what is wrong, lets find a solution instead of concentrating on the problem. This is happening to more than one of the plants eh? So check the PH and correct as necessary then feed half and dont feed the other half. you will have your answers in time.
Medi 1, ur wrong. some o the best organic herb ive seen was grown with apple cider vinegar as a phdown and age old grow and bloom grown in CoCo,compost and earthworm castings AND druing he summer we used creek water and had to switch during the winter to tap ON THE SAME PLANTS that used creek water...over 6oz's per plant,24 plants under 2000 watts...i was just sayin i use teas WITH the liquid Age Old brewed in them and ive read on som study that a guy did with teas using RO or Tap and Half n Half and it said that the best reults came from the teas using tap but i find when i do that my tea doesnt brew as well so i fill the bucket with half tap and run an air pump trough it for 24hrs then add the other half RO. my tap is only300ppm neway PH 7.1. Sometimes the tea comes out PH7.1 at the highest and 6.3 at the lowest i DONT use apple cider vinegar but i also dont likethe varying Ph in my tea so i was just wondering if the vinegar kills microbes cause if so it still would be a waste of time to even change the PH


Check your water. My water was too hard. Started symptoms on this grow FFOF with no nutes at all. Came to find out my water was high in calcium locking everything else out. More nutes just aggravated...flushing with distilled then going back to light nutes
I had this same issue and had to switch to R/O. Hard enough water will cause lockout before the nutes even leave the bottle. Have you tested the TOTAL ALKALINITY of your water? If you have anything above 100 TA you may get lockout from too much hard alkaline, stuff like dissolved calcium and other heavy salts that the water company adds to balance the PH from all the chlorine and whatever else they add. When they balance the PH they are effectively adding extra salts and metals that will remain in the water after the chlorides evaporate out, slowly pushing the standing PH of your medium up. This will build up in the soil eventually lock out everything and turning your nice black FFOF into brown and dusty sand. My best guess, TA is too high and its locking your nutes up.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
not sure if the vinigar kills but the tap water does and using tap and R/O is silly, why clean the water in the filter then add dirty right back to it with the tap water. you dont mix both...waste of time to buy an R/O then. dont compare your yileds when it was an outdoor plant then say it was under 2k of light, the sun is a tgouch more than
i cant see the tap being high ppm and no ph to it. meaning a high ph also, i have 7.04 ph and 20 ppm tap here and of course you need to adjust the ph to suit what medium your in.


Well-Known Member
I grew my plant outside for the first few months with no nutes at all. It grew in a pot and it only got rain water. I have been giving it some food for the past few weeks but I would say I didn't do anything to it for 3 months and it is green and healthy. The fan leaves on the way bottom are looking yellower but I heard that is normal.