Does anyone know what this could be caused by?


I have a 3 week old brainstorm plant. About a week ago it started to get brown spots on the larger leaves and they are slightly yellower than the other leaves. I have 2 26w cfls and a fan on it on 18/6. If anyone knows what this could be caused by id love any help. thanks



Well-Known Member
It appears the new growth is looking ok. What soil did you start these in?

The middle picture looks a little stretched. Add some soil to stabilize the stem and get your lights 2-3 inches from the plant.


The soils premium tropical soil. The new growth is better but looks like the edges of the leaves are also slightly yellow


Is there anything I could do to the soil so it doesn't have the nutes till the plant is bigger?


Well-Known Member
You could transplant it to new soil. Personally I would transplant it into FFoF soil. Just me though.


Try flushing your current soil. Take two red cups worth of water and water it. You do have drainage holes in the bottom of the cup correct?


Yeah I have mad drainage. Actually have the bottom of the cup cut off. And ok thanks I'll try it


Well-Known Member
Dude, you cut the whole bottom of the cup off? That is some "mad" drainage. LOL Just screwing with ya.


bud bootlegger
and just an fyi, i would not go cutting the entire bottom off of the cups, although i'm sure it helps with drainage, it is also going to allow the soil to dry out too quickly... you just need a couple of smallish holes in the bottom of the cup.. and how on earth do you pick up the cups like that??


Alright I'm gonna flush it and pick some soil up soon. Another question. Does it's growth look stunted? It was germinated may 11. idk the dirt just stays in