Does anyone use bleach in thier res?


Active Member
Hello People. I have a question. But first;
Method: Bubble buckets
Nutes: GH
Algae Control: I have been using "Zone"
Res Temps: Grow room 75...Veg room 85
Temp control: Small AC

As you can seem my res temps are way too high. It's been over 100 degrees for almost 30 days in a row. I am lights out during the day to keep the grow room temps down. The "Dutch Master Zone" is the only thing keeping the algae at bay.

I have read about using bleach at 0.5 ml per gallon of water. I'm using about four gallons in each bucket. Last night, at 8:00 o'clock, I added 2 ml bleach to a test bucket. Today at noon the plant looks good, I have not had enough time to evaluate the effect on the algae.

I used the Zone last summer under similar conditions with good results, but I want to eliminate the algae all together.

So my question is...Has anyone used bleach, Or, Do you have a better idea on how to kill algae.



Well-Known Member
I've used bleach when I was having algea problems, unfortunately it didn't do shit, so I gave up on it. However I ended finding @ walmart this small bottle called algea eater. When I used this stuff my roots was starting to get new strong roots and where white like never before. Its biodegradable so it will not harm your plants at all. You can find this stuff in the aquarium section in walmart, Algea eater is the name of it.


Well-Known Member
This thread got me excited as I was reading VO's post thinking "HES BACK?!" than seeing this thread is originally from 2011 =(

I'd go h202, however I run microbes =D so I don't run it anymore but it worked well.