does cold water hurt plants?


Well-Known Member
Room temp for soil. Cold water for hydro. That's what I do anyway. It won't hurt unless it's WAY too cold, don't put ice in your watering cans.


Well-Known Member
Its all about how the land was settled, in the east, water rights are retained with the property following and English or French system (the French had long lots that all had access to a river or waterfront, sometimes called ribbon lots). The west was settled by the Spanish, and first rights decided the was so dry settlement depended on water, so basically the first person to dig a well or put in irrigation systems owned all the water rights to that usually worked out to be the church or monastery or other hacienda that established the first settlement, but this system carried down through the legal land transfer rights. If you want a really lucrative, crazy, but interesting career, get into water rights law in the western US. Just look into who owns the Ogallala Aquifer....
Interesting. That's crazy that catching rain would violate that. It would be a law I would break.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing in soil, indoors. Should I prepare the water the night before by letting it sit in buckets and adjust to room temperature?
Yes, the cold water is capable of shocking the root system. Your plan of preparing the h2o before-hand is a good one. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I just recently heard about collecting rain water was illegal in some states too.. So dumb, but I guess in states that are really dry like cali and Texas, collecting ALOT of rain could damage the earth in a way I guess. I think there should be a limit but not full out illegal.


Well-Known Member
I just recently heard about collecting rain water was illegal in some states too.. So dumb, but I guess in states that are really dry like cali and Texas, collecting ALOT of rain could damage the earth in a way I guess. I think there should be a limit but not full out illegal.
There should be a limit on declaring things "illegal" in the first place. I think the authorities have pushed this envelope far too long. Overthrow, and overgrow the evil foe :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Amen, couldn't have said it better myself. I heard Florida was going to pass a law making it illegal to own a house that's not hooked to the grid (electric is a requirement). Dumbest thing I've heard all year, having solar is illegal? Really?


Well-Known Member
Amen, couldn't have said it better myself. I heard Florida was going to pass a law making it illegal to own a house that's not hooked to the grid (electric is a requirement). Dumbest thing I've heard all year, having solar is illegal? Really?
You see bro, the govt wants you to be enslaved by them & totally dependent. Personally, I'd like another option besides my local power company. Those greedy cunts raise their rates and no one has any choice but to continue to take it up the ass. In a country where the govt cares about its people, solar panels and other forms of alternative energy should go with breakfast, at every kitchen table, in every home. :idea: Instead, what do we do...? - prohibit collecting rain water. A person can't survive without water for more than a few days. What a caring govt we have, indeed :finger:
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Well-Known Member
would be interesting to see if anyone here has done a grow useing cold water out the tap.Then did a grow useing room temp water to see the compairison. I use cold water out the tap and everything seems to be going just fine. Even if it did shock the roots, does it stunt the growth enough to fuck around leaving buckets of water set out. I doubt it. I used to change my aero cloner water everyday cuz I thought it was getting to hot. Now I just let it be hot. I got roots in the same amount of time useing both cold or warm water. Its not worth the time to worry about shocking my plants for the 30 seconds it takes to water them. thats just my view on the subject. Leaving water out to evaporate chlorine or whatever I can understand more than just to let it warm up. Just put some hot water in with your cold water and prestoe. Do what makes you feel good,thats really all that matters.


Well-Known Member
I use cold tap for hydro, 55-58 degrees. I maintain my water temps 65 at the high end. But that's hydro. No negative effects whatsoever, only positive effects.


Well-Known Member
would be interesting to see if anyone here has done a grow useing cold water out the tap.Then did a grow useing room temp water to see the compairison. I use cold water out the tap and everything seems to be going just fine. Even if it did shock the roots, does it stunt the growth enough to fuck around leaving buckets of water set out. I doubt it. I used to change my aero cloner water everyday cuz I thought it was getting to hot. Now I just let it be hot. I got roots in the same amount of time useing both cold or warm water. Its not worth the time to worry about shocking my plants for the 30 seconds it takes to water them. thats just my view on the subject. Leaving water out to evaporate chlorine or whatever I can understand more than just to let it warm up. Just put some hot water in with your cold water and prestoe. Do what makes you feel good,thats really all that matters.

I have used water straight out of the tap many times. It comes out right around 54 degrees. Pour it right into the soil with no ill effects!!


Well-Known Member
"Aerating would take care of this problem for you."

Good answer! If you are using water that has been sitting all you need to do is shake up the jug for a minute. Also, I learned a long time ago that you can make water wetter, stay with me here, by putting a drop of Dawn dish detergent in every gallon of water used for watering. Adding Dawn allows the water to form into much smaller drops. Means better distribution of water by using smaller units or drops.



Well-Known Member
Cold water holds more O2 than warm water. If ur gonna let it sit than aerate it with an air stone. Temperature extreems are a bad idea.