does liking malt liquor make me a scumbag?


Active Member
Kinda, but cheap beer does it have its appeal. Although, you can get more drunk for your dollar with the hard stuff. My cheap booze o' choice has got to be Evan Williams. It's 86 proof, 9 bucks a bottle, and damn good. Need I say more?

A little math: Most of the 40s by me run about $3 at 7.5ABV. That's three onces of pure ethanol goodness @ $1 per ounce. A fifth has 25.36 ounces per bottle. At nine bucks a fifth, Evan Williams gets you 1.21 ounces of ethanol for every dollar. That means you can get 21% drunker for every dollar!!! Old Crow works out even better at $7.50 a bottle and 1.35oz per dollar, but isn't as tasty. The choice is yours, but in my opinion, the price and quality of bourbon just can't be beat. Ruskova vodka is good too at about $9, and Sobieski is excellent at $11. Good cheap gins include Gordons (my pick at $10) and Seagrams ($12). Cheap rums - Sailor Jerry (dangerously good and 92 proof @ $12-$13) and Gosling's Black Seal (real piratey stuff, 80 proof @ $15). There are others out there too, and sometimes you can find expensive booze on sale really cheap, like earlier this summer I found Tanqueray gin for $16 a fifth. Bought two. I like cheap beer too, my picks among the common ones are Miller High Life (awesomeness @ $14 a 30pk) and PBR, not as good, but good enough and is about the same price.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I would be more inclined to say drinking alcohol (in excess) makes you scumbag, I mean, if we are going to profile.. let's make it big.

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
Liking malt liquor just means it tastes good. It's like drinking out of the water fountain instead of a four dollar bottle of water. There's not really a difference, other than the fact that one costs four times more, and other people get to see you carry around your expensive water bottle.

When we were little, we used to call OE's, boobie beers, because of the shape of the bottle. Yeah, a stretched out, pointy tit, but we were around 16 and drinking OE, shouldn't expect much out of that. It's not bad at all. WAY better than drinking a Blue Bull. Personally, my favorite beer (cheap or not), is Busch. Even when it's a little warmer than other beer, it's still delicious. TAAKA vodka is what I use when I have to go cheap. 10.99 for a handle, on average. If you want to try some terrible cheap liquor, try Azteca Gold.


New Member
its a pinch this time of month as my harvest is not up yet. i may have to sell an eight and quit smoking for a couple weeks. im down to my last 3 eighths and 300 dollars and i have to wait about 3 weeks until harvest and my loan check. so im gonna sell my weed quit smoking and drink olde english until im RICH again.
scumbagging it now, bluehashing it later, but, i do have to say olde english is delicious. im usually about a st pauly girl or a ufoenwiezen but i may be a new life drunk on old english


Active Member
Liking malt liquor just means it tastes good. It's like drinking out of the water fountain instead of a four dollar bottle of water. There's not really a difference, other than the fact that one costs four times more, and other people get to see you carry around your expensive water bottle.

When we were little, we used to call OE's, boobie beers, because of the shape of the bottle. Yeah, a stretched out, pointy tit, but we were around 16 and drinking OE, shouldn't expect much out of that. It's not bad at all. WAY better than drinking a Blue Bull. Personally, my favorite beer (cheap or not), is Busch. Even when it's a little warmer than other beer, it's still delicious. TAAKA vodka is what I use when I have to go cheap. 10.99 for a handle, on average. If you want to try some terrible cheap liquor, try Azteca Gold.
Dude Taaka is what we used to drink too. TOO many nights blacked out due to that damn liquid. Lol


Active Member
Malt liquor tastes good? That's funny. I've drunk (and gotten drunk on) just about every cheap beer there is at some time or another and never did that occur to me. Now, I've heard people say that they like malt liquor before, but taste wasn't the reason they said that...


Active Member
If you like it just because you like it, then no. Absolutely not. People like what they like for all kinds of reasons and sometimes none at all. Now, if you like it 'cause someone else (certain musicians...) tells you to like it, then yeah, that makes you a scumbag. But, it wouldn't be because you liked it (assuming you actually liked it), but because you were somebody's tool and wouldn't like it otherwise. So really, it isn't my (or anyone else's) call to make. You've gotta ask yourself why you like it and if that makes you a scumbag.

Case in point, all the fuckin' hipsters have decided they like Pabst Blue Ribbon. Every time I see a hipster at a bar they're drinking conspicuously drinking PBR. I'm not sure why they have chosen it, but it pisses me off because I'm kinda fond of the stuff and now they're giving it a bad (worse) reputation. I've actually seen 'em turn down much better beer (not just by my judgment but by any sane drinker's) that was actually cheaper than the PBR. Why would anybody do such a thing? Because everybody else ordered the exact same thing. Fucking sheep. Will the hipsters stop me from ordering Pabst? No. Fuck them. If I did, I'd be just as big of a scumbag for letting them dictate what's acceptable to order and what isn't.


New Member
thanks doc nick pro diogno on thayt pbr is probably my favorite cheap beer but now that you said that i see... i know these pbr hipsters but i never put 2 and 2 together like that... i sold an eighth so i have about my last quarter i havent been this low on bud in a while... but.. my plan to get rich in september by drinking olde english now is going as planned on track just bagged one, switched my power kush to chaching and gave the blue hash its last beastie doin good


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Hey, I'd say makin a little cash is a damn good reason to switch from weed to beer. Bottoms up!
This is retarded.. you want to make a little extra cash? Drink water. Quit buying shit and you'll have excess money.. and if you insist on drinking, make your own beer/wine/alcohol; it is easy and cheap.


Active Member
That's assuming you've already got all the stuff you need to brew your own. I brew my own cider and mead and the initial setup cost wasn't too cheap once you figure that you need to brew at least 5-10 gallons to make it cheaper than store bought, at least with the initial batch. There's carboys, rubber stoppers, airlocks, sanitizers, and yeast. Not to mention the wait between beginning the brew and it being drinkable, which if you're using grocery store stuff can be like three months or more. I mean yeah, you can throw some yeast in a bottle of grape juice (apple juice with some extra concentrate added works better) and let it ferment, but it's gonna be prison brew.