Does My Plant Look Ok?


Active Member
IMG_0953.jpgIMG_0954.jpg I am worried that my plant is being burned by the cfl lights. This is in a custom pc box i built. the lights are 2 60w micro minis. I had a 100w cfl but it became too big for the the box with the plant so i switched to 2 smaller ones and put the one on the side. I have a fan on the outside of the box pointed in for more room. Am I being to worried or is my plant in danger?

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
no burning... that i see. go ahead and top, or start training it to get the most out of your space. it is a little stretched. keep the light a little closer next time when u start the seedling out. put your cup on a stack of cd cases or something and take cd cases out as it grows. but dont let it stretch so much with out training it next time!


Active Member
Ok thank you. If you couldn't tell this is my first time growing. I was worried when i seen the top leaves starting to curl.


i only see a little curling, overall all not bad....i would not top this
the two bottom seed leafs can be removed, i would also try to get something white in there as a reflective souce

the surface like that can reflect light at oblique angles and cause hot spots, something flat white would be better


Active Member
i would pransplant into a biger pot too and bury as much as possible to make a better root system an she'll bush out alot more,then do a leam on it , just my opinion.


Ya burry it! Its really stretched , then again mine are real bushy woop I don't see any burning overall looks nice too me ! Good luck !!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That plant is hungry for more light. You need more wattage and the lights need to be closer to your plant. That baby is stretching and it can weaken the stalk causing it to break when it starts putting on buds. Beautiful color though. :D


Active Member
Thank you for all your insight's, i'll get right on it. :) By the way this was a seed less then 5 weeks ago.


Active Member
The top stem on my plant is purple while the rest is a nice green.. Is this ok for the plant or is it getting too much or too little of something?Close Up Stem.jpgClose Up Plant.jpg