does this actually make any sense?


Well-Known Member
so iv been reading up about topping, and this thread
says that you wait until the plant has 5 true nodes and then cut just above the 2nd to make 4 colas... this is all fine and dandy, but wouldnt you be throwing away vertually half of your plant? or... could you replant the top half making two plants out of one? because if not it doesnt seem to make sense that you would cut away half of ur baby, or does it? would cutting at the 2nd node increase bud yield? coz the guy says he got 10oz of cured bud from doing this...

any thoughts RIU?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it makes sense. I don't do this myself but there is no reason why you can't clone the top half of the plant. Yes having 4 colas is supposed to yield more than just one, why else would anyone do it.