Does this help?


Well-Known Member
I heard if you tie the branches down the plant gets more light, i dont know if its true or if i even did this right.fer.jpgJust used fishing string a tied them down


Well-Known Member
it is calld training or LST .. and the idea is that you tie down the very top .. the main top .. when you do this the plants homons changes and the other tops/side shoots will shoot up and try to take its place (natrual for plants .. think about trees that have fallen down after a storm but survives)

this way you kind a trick the plant to think sumthing happen and it need to make it other small side shoots grow up ..

a good technic if you ask me .. I like it .. make it more of a bush then a tree .. many smaller main colas/bud tops .. but if done right you will mostly also haverst more .. maybe up to double ..


Well-Known Member
Okay, does it look like i am doing it right? The main colas are pretty stretched out will see in a week or so i guess


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the fishing line. It will slowly cut into the plant. Use a thicker twine or the coated ties they sell at home depot, walmart, lowes, hydro stores, etc. This is a common practice and it does work.

jessy koons

New Member
Fishing line could cut into the plant if it moves around too much from wind, animals brushing against it etc. If no movement then it should be fine. The main branches should be laid down almost horizontal and forced to continue growing that way. Side branches will fill in the space where the main branch/branches were. You may want to tie those side branches down too.


Well-Known Member
Okay, thanks guy i will probably go to the hydro store and pick up something more suitable for my plants. I will let you know how it works though.


Well-Known Member
my plant at day 33 .. begon to LTS it after a few weeks ..


I just used some quality garden strin (green metal wire with tick green rubber around it so you can bend it as you like .. reuserble and cheap .. 5$ for a role) and made some "hooks" so to speak (keep em loose and open so the steams can grow and dont snap)

notice (I know it might be hard) that I have some at the bottom going in at the center ... I have two .. that hold the main steam in place (opposite to the direction I LTS it down) so I dont uproot it when I bend it down .. I bend it a bit and give it a few days .. then do a bit more .. easy with them "hooks"

also notice the side shoots growing up to take the main top/colas place ..

some like to train them a bit and when they have a lot of side shoots comming up and it might be close to flowering .. they top em (snap off the main top/tops) but thats a hole other technic ..

do some research .. a lot of guides out ther .. google grow guides and LTS/topping aso.


Well-Known Member

any reason why pot N0. 2 is`t full ?

you could easily take it up carefully and add some more soil in the bottom .. plants like more room to expand .. if possible .. plant em in the ground .. they will love you for it .. and in repay .. give you double haverst ! if not triple .. plants in pots out doors can easily give 2-500g in the gound its not uncommen to get 1 kg plants .. ½ kilos is normal ..

if you for some reason (only one I can see .. if for safety .. to be able to remove em .. hide em and take em in if thers realy bad wether on the way)

but if you do keep em and they also get rain .. you might want some cheap lega nuts or similar in the bottom of them bots and make sure you have nice drain holes .. weed hate constant wet soil in the bottom of pots .. need air ..

if you can put it in the ground (I would still advice it if its a option for you ?)
you schould get some quality soil for the hole you dig and remove all other growth (by hand) around it ..

also .. if you need em to stand aginst the wall of the house (keep em so they get most direct sun .. +5 hrs ... 8 is better)
you could find some free playwood/masonite or similar and paint it white and secure it up aginst the wall behind the plants .. will give some nice reflection for the back side of your plants (train/LTS em to collect most sun)


Well-Known Member
Slipon thanks for the great advice man. I just got some more ffof so I am gonna repot it into a 20 gallon. The reason I don't put it in the ground is because my backyard is heavily shaded and the only spots that get good light are the spot that plants are in and a lil patch of dirt, it's right infront of my gate and the meter man go through there to check my meter. And my walls are not that high.


Well-Known Member
ok .. well ... if you have to choose between

1.) in the ground .. with 5 hrs direct sun and light rest of the day .

2.) in pots (even 20 gallon) with 8 hrs light and some work moveing them two places

I would have no doubt ... 1 !!!! in the ground ...

your plant will love you for it .. and not just that .. you will have less problems .. with watering and nutriens .. plants will take care of most of ther own ..

I have a friend who used to grow under some tress ..forest like (back of his back yard)
only realy open on top .. lets say 3 hrs direct sun maybe .. and maybe 2 hrs before and after when the sun hit them in between the leaves of the trees ...

he had em in the ground .. did`t do much .. on hot days with littel rain he did give em some water .. and a littel nutriens doing flowering mostly . had provided them with nice soil in the hols when he plantet the small plants out ..

they grew to tress I tell you .. 7-8 feet ... 1-2 ponders .. outdoors is easy .. in the ground that is ..

if you dont want passing Ppl. to be able to see em over a fench .. well why not build a littel wind screen on your terrace .. place chair or two and a littel table .. cover it up a bit .. the wind scree is of course white .. for sun relexions .. and keep em low .. top/FIM em .. LST em .. make em look anything but weed .. grow some tomatos or sumthing beside .. hang red plastic balls on the weed ;)