Does this look right?

ok, so i have a first time outdoor plant that i grew from bagseed. I started it in some cheap supersoil potting soil(0.14-0.09-0.02) and gave it high n guano(10-2-1) tea in a gallon of water that i ph'ed to about 6.2-6.5 every 2 weeks or so. She started to flower about 2 weeks ago now and this is what it looks like today. about two days after i noticed the hairs i transplanted it from the 3 gallon pot to a 7 gallon pot full of fox farm ocean soil. i kno i transplanted a lil too late but it was something i was planning on doing, just didnt think it would flower so soon. i gave it a gallon of tea made from 6 tsp high p guano(0.5-12-.02) and about 2-3 tblsp of molasses about a week ago. my questions are, does it look half way descent? how often should i give it that high p and molasses tea and should i give it more than just a gallon of it everytime. also any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thank you

i also had done a lil last min pruning that i probably shouldnt have but some of the leaves were shading the rest of the plant too much. also its in the backyard and im having to move it around to the sunniest part of the backyard all day, probably only gets about 6 hours of direct sunlight.


looks great! id keep doing using that guano as a fert with some nute with higher N and K

Really?! it looks great for being outdoors in northern cali and showing sex for 2 weeks? i thought the buds should be a lil bigger by now. so should i keep giving it the high N guano during the flowering period also?