does this Nug look like it has mold on it


Well-Known Member
If a bud is moldy it will crumble in your hand with very little pressure. If it's moldy you can tell.



Well-Known Member
You don't have mold it looks like...if it was mold it would be really harsh and have a funny smell to it...were you smoking with others?


Well-Known Member
crack open a bud... if it's brown on the inside... it's prob moldy... if not.... use your best judgement...

It's the cold season... if you got sick, it prob had nothing to do with the weed...
Also look real carefully at the difference in color from the outside of the nug to the inside. if it is brown on the inside and less dense, the the mold has dried. but pay real close attention to when you break apart the bud to see "spores" mist the air around the nug. it wont kill you but make sure to keep it away from any growing plants. you can get mold at any stage, even after harvest, so be careful how you handle it. those mold spores can travel!!


Active Member
I can spot mold pretty well and nothing in the first post has visible mold. This doesn't mean that there isn't any on the inside of the bud where it's most likely to occur. It looks like tiny spider webs or fuzzy like a cotton ball.