Does topping really increase yield?


Well-Known Member
I only topped this plant once using Uncle Bens topping technique for four main colas. See how many colas I can get close to the light with the even canopy.




Well-Known Member
of, i have three.diff. with at least 15 colas on each
also i highly.rec. supercropping, it does wondersbongsmilie
I agree with this %100(Except for the weird e.n.c.r.y.p.t.ed wording). Of coarse it does! I don't wanna grow pine tree's. I wanna grow bushes.


Well-Known Member
No, veg time and light intensity effect yield given same genetics. That’s it in optimal circumstances.


Well-Known Member
I have never topped a plant because I considered it really not needed as long as you have the vertical height for your plants to get tall. I just let them grow and have been content, until now. I'm thinking of experimenting with it, but if the yields are about the same, I won't bother. But if the yields are much better with a topped plant, then I will do it in my next grow. One last question. Can any plant be topped, or should you stay away from certain strains or plant. I remember reading once that Bluberries love being topped, but stay away from Widows for example. Any input is appreciated. Peace
Do you have a dedicated veg area? If so then topping will help with yield it's stunts the plants a little but produces more tops if you have a dedicated veg area then topping is great you just veg them an extra week you end up with the same size plant but more tops. Also do you ever get bud rot? More smaller tops can be better at fending off bud rot while giving the same or more yield with easy trimming.