Does weed cause psychosis?


New Member
Hey guys, sup everyone?

I smoke every day, i have a 3 bongs, 4 pipes, and a collection of rolling papers, i'm no pro, but i am constantly getting into arguments with my parents, i prove them wrong about all the lies they believe (Weed causes cancer, it causes schizophrenia, etc...)

But the one thing i can't shake is the whole 'psychosis' thing.

Almost everywhere i look, it says that weed causes psychosis... Is it talking about in the short term (When you're high as fuck) or in the long term (Affects you forever, no turning back)

Thanks for your help guys :)


Well-Known Member
THC is a psychotropic drug, so the effects are technically a type of chemical-induced psychosis. It's a flimsy excuse and just another example of the doublespeak used to confuse people about the real plant.


Well-Known Member
ive been smoking a whole the one thing that causes you to go fucked in the head is LSD. you may think your going nuts on pot but your not. o and i naturally have bi-polar, and the LSD made me somewhat skitzo.


Well-Known Member
as a psychedelic marijuana has has the ability to exacerbate preexisting mental problems if they're there.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
The only effect i know of from long term use (and im not saying this happens to everyone)...But i know 2 guys both in there mid 40,s who have been smoking daily for 25 + years and they both are paranoid as everyone is always out to get them, almost everyone steals from them, and its always somebody elses fault.... this could be just a coicidense that there both heavy long term smokers... but there similiar in so many ways and there is no relation at all either so go


Well-Known Member
kool. ill tell you this much it did for a while but it helped with it. found out that my cause of the mental issue is very close to my blood relation. now i deal with the fam better. my brothers wedding was alot better because of it. not saying him and her. ma da people i didnt no ect.


Well-Known Member
jonblaze420 beat me to it - if you have a predisposition to mental problems then it can be triggered by smoking weed, yes.


Well-Known Member
I smoke all day every day. I'm bi-polar with schizoaffective disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, self-mutilation syndrome, borderline and anti-social personality disorders, general and social anxiety disorders, and I'm just generally mean.

Until I smoke my medicine, then I'm pretty balanced.


Well-Known Member
I have seen someone suffer a cannabis psycosis episode.... it ended in hospital....


Well-Known Member
Sure, if by blow things up you mean lose my temper and fly into a destructive rage over stupid reasons at the drop of a hat.
no offense but i'm pretty sure they invented that 'disorder'. it sounds like a spoiled baby having a temper tantrum. can you explain more? :mrgreen: :roll:


Well-Known Member
by the way Urithel I was just messing with you, hope you didn't explode your computer or something. easy, e. ;)