Doesnt anyone believe in freedom anymore?



Isnt there anyone else out there who believes no one, not one single person, or government agency, has the right to tell you how to live your life

no one

yet many of us are embracing control

trading liberty for security, or in another case "well being" of the people of america

what happened to freedom to choose what you wanted to do or buy

nope, government tells you what you can do, what you cant do, and what you must do

land of the free :roll:


Well-Known Member
Until we stop playing the partisan game, and start realizing that all politicians are corrupt, we will lose our freedoms on a daily basis.


Well-Known Member
There are many among us who have lost sight of the transcendent importance of freedom!:leaf:

Dwight D. Eisenhower
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

Abraham Lincoln
Freedom is the last, best hope of earth.

Albert Einstein
Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.

Albert Camus
Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.

It is truly deplorable that many Americans are willing to forsake their freedom for some "freebies".:leaf:


Well-Known Member
freedom is hard work. it demands that one take responsibility for one's own actions and there aren't many folks out there that realize just what a difficult task that is. it demands a generosity of spirit that allows others to be as free as you wish to be and an ability to withstand the worst that the world can throw at you without crying about how unfair your lot in life is. it demands patience, self-denial and an acceptance of loss. for all that freedom demands, its rewards may seem too paltry for many to see what point there is in all that pain.


I'm with you on this one. I don't believe in any gods and so I feel there is no being higher than us in the known universe that can dictate our lives/morals/freedom.

It may sound cruel but I actually hope that america tanks so that we can rebuild something better.

freedom is hard work. it demands that one take responsibility for one's own actions and there aren't many folks out there that realize just what a difficult task that is. it demands a generosity of spirit that allows others to be as free as you wish to be and an ability to withstand the worst that the world can throw at you without crying about how unfair your lot in life is. it demands patience, self-denial and an acceptance of loss. for all that freedom demands, its rewards may seem too paltry for many to see what point there is in all that pain.
I think it just takes having a bigger club than the other guys. ;-)
Ronald Regan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from becoming extinct. Freedom is not passed down from one generation to the next through the blood stream. Freedom must be fought for and defended by each generation, otherwise you will be setting on your front porch in your old age, telling your children and your grand children what it was like to live in America, when men were free.”


New Member
I'm with you on this one. I don't believe in any gods and so I feel there is no being higher than us in the known universe that can dictate our lives/morals/freedom.

It may sound cruel but I actually hope that america tanks so that we can rebuild something better.

I think it just takes having a bigger club than the other guys. ;-)
Well my friend, the USA has had the biggest "club" for about 60+ years now, how's that working for us. 11 guys with boxcutters brought down the two tallest buildings in the country. It's not the size of the dick, but how you use it.

jeff f

New Member
It may sound cruel but I actually hope that america tanks so that we can rebuild something better.
that is not the answer brother. the history of the world is rife with oppression. it is the way of the world. we are unique. if we fall, billions will suffer. and there are no thomas jeffersons out there right now. dont worry, someday the adults will be in charge again.