Dog beating State patrolman


Well-Known Member
Ok that was some horrible shit.

I'd like to know what you guys consider abuse. Some people believe it is alright to physically discipline(not hang and kick) dogs in order to train them. Is it ok to hit them to teach them, or is it never alright to lay your hands on a dog if you're not petting them?

Just curious.:peace:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what you guys consider abuse. Some people believe it is alright to physically discipline(not hang and kick) dogs in order to train them. Is it ok to hit them to teach them, or is it never alright to lay your hands on a dog if you're not petting them?

Just curious.:peace:

I've given my dog a light open handed slap on the snout. He's a knucklehead with selective hearing so on occasion he gets the snout tap with a firm "NO". It doesn't hurt him and he certainly doesn't yelp in pain.... in fact I think the verbal scolding hurts his feelings way more then the snout slap. For the most part he's a very well behaved dog and rarely requires any discipline at all.

There was only one time he got a heavy handed smack... and that was when he was still a puppy (about 1 & 1/2 years old) and he had a bone.... a friends kid was playing near him and bent down near the bone... Jack got territorial and growled at the child. I FLEW OUT OF MY CHAIR and gave him a HARD KNOCK to his head.. .he DID yelp.... I know it hurt him... and I verbally scolded him too. I will not tolerate that behavior from my dog. Let it go and dogs think it's ok and eventually .... a child will be bitten and possibly badly injured or killed.

My whole body was shaking when it happened and my b/f at the time was like "damn... I've never seen you snap like that"... and I did too. I did not feel bad about it later either. Needless to say.... my friend was happy to see I took her child's safety seriously. After that day... Jack has NEVER EVER growled when someone tries to take something away from him. I had my niece take stuff away from him as a test..... he does try to wrap his paws around his bones protectively... or pick it up and run away...... but he's never ever growled or acted aggressively since.



Well-Known Member
Ok that was some horrible shit.

I'd like to know what you guys consider abuse. Some people believe it is alright to physically discipline(not hang and kick) dogs in order to train them. Is it ok to hit them to teach them, or is it never alright to lay your hands on a dog if you're not petting them?

Just curious.:peace:
Dogs are naturally physical animals, they fight for rank and you need to show a certain amount of aggressiveness for the bigger breeds or they'll think they're in charge (Alpha Dog). If you've got some teacup breed, then no, there's no reason to ever lay hands on your animal.

But nothing more than what you'd give to your children (a swat on the ass), maybe less the way some people treat their children.. Reserved for only the worst offenses; biting, IMO. Never for pooping/peeing/chewing shit up in the house, that's your fault.


Well-Known Member
yea man alil hit to train them but kicking the poor dog like that, and i'm a cat person but i felt so sorry for that dog, i hope that fat pig get his fucking ass kicked


Well-Known Member
My dog is very smart, and I trained her with no hitting. Only thing I would do is tap her nose when she did something wrong. I could scream at my dog and it would scare her enough.

She is very nice, and I believe it is because I wouldn't allow anyone to tease her at all, and I did not hit her.

I can go on a walk with her and she doesn't need a leash or anything. She will just walk right with me. I think the tone of your voice has the most impact on training. Demand the dog to do it, don't ask it to do what you want. She knows I'm the boss, and will follow me around.

Here are things that she will do.

She wont touch my food EVER. If I leave food out somewhere low where she can get it she will not touch it.

She doesn't growl, or bite EVER not around food or anything like that.

I don't have to tie her up she just stays in the yard, or follows me around.

She knows everyones name in my house (even the cats), and will go find them if I tell her to.

Biggest thing is to think what the dog would understand. I hear people trying to talk to her like shes a person or some shit, and she can't understand 10 word sentence commands... I try to keep my commands short 1-2 words, and a hand signal.


Well-Known Member
Ok that was some horrible shit.

I'd like to know what you guys consider abuse. Some people believe it is alright to physically discipline(not hang and kick) dogs in order to train them. Is it ok to hit them to teach them, or is it never alright to lay your hands on a dog if you're not petting them?

Just curious.:peace:
There's a WHOLE lot to say about that, including information I've gleaned from a friend who's a former K9 officer/trainer (and she already knew about this case, too).

First and foremost, it really depends on the dog. Some dogs are gonna piss if you just look at them sideways. Others, like my Ridgie, have to be reminded EVERY FUCKING TIME that they are NOT Alpha Bitch, I AM. However, I rarely ever hit. I "bite" with my hands, I scold, I shame, I use my body to have discussions. Simple things like stepping into her space lets her know that *I* own that space, I own ALL space. The problem is teaching her with other people who often not only allow her to walk all over them (literally and figuratively) but often REWARD the very behavior that will become very problematic, especially with a large dog.

I've basically extrapolated some of what I've learned training horses and other dogs with my big girl. She is, by FAR, the toughest fucking dog I have ever worked with. Tougher even than Rotties, than GSDs, than Aussies and Heelers and Border Collies and Shelties and Labradors. This bitch is TOUGH, and I can totally see why she was turned in to Animal Control twice before she was even 6mths old. Fuckin' bitch. :lol:

I actually really like Cesar Milan, he's got a way with dogs. He can read their behavior INSTANTLY. Most people I know completely miss the little signals dogs send, raising the tail and head informing you that they're taking the dominant position, or signaling that they're giving in to you (yet people will still punish a submissive dog simply because they don't know how to read their behavior). Dogs are innately tied to human beings in a way no other animal, domesticated or otherwise, are. They can read our signals and behavior because that's essentially what they were selected over millenia to do. I LOVE DOGS. I love lots of animals, though, and I guess that's what's gotten me into so much trouble.


Active Member
That dude....ugh people sicken me. He needs to be treated JUST as he treated that dog. THEN get thrown in jail for a while for time to reflect on what he did.


Well-Known Member
Yep, the dog whisperer is a cool dude. I agree with you guys, a little physicality is what it takes sometimes. Sometimes my boy will swing his head around and give me a bloody lip, and I have to stop and think, "was he trying to hurt me?" and calm myself down. But he knows play time is over after that.

I think larger dogs require it more often, because if you don't get them to stop a behavior immediately it can sometimes be extremely dangerous. Especially around small children.

I knew a guy who worked on a ranch up north. He would have a couple dogs with him at all times driving around in his pick up. Every once in a while, a new dog would hang it's front legs over the side of the bed, and if he saw it, he would pull the wheel hard and the dog would fly out. This is going maybe 15 mph mind you. But that dog would never do that again. If you do something that results in pain, it's a good reason not to do it again, right?

That being said, I want to clarify that the dude kicking that dog should go spend some time with his buddies in the pen.


Well-Known Member
The trooper kicking the dog was using no good training technique. He was locked in a battle with Ricoh for the dog's toy, the bit of firehose. I know that some GSDs can be extremely stubborn, but as a small woman who can handle 1200lbs. of horse just fine (ok, not as easily as I used to, but I'm now a gimp) I KNOW that there are ways of winning the battle without resorting to such "techniques".

Also, part of the guy's problem is that the dog was essentially doing what it was trained to do -- remain absolutely persistent despite strong negative reinforcement. While I haven't worked with that particular dog, and only one GSD, I really REALLY prefer positive reinforcement and other behavior modification methods that don't require physical pain be administered. If the dog wasn't giving up the toy, it's also because the dog didn't see the trooper as his superior, he likely saw him as his equal. That's a dangerous thing with such a powerful dog and the trooper should know what the signals are BEFORE it gets to the point where he can't get the fucking toy from the dog without resorting to beating it. I have these sorts of battles with my Ridgie all the God damned time, and putting her on the ground underneath me while I have her neck in a "bite" works wonders for realigning her molecules and such. :lol:

The dog truck story is funny, though. It reminds me of when my old dog was younger and I had a truck. She insisted on standing despite being clumsy, and it only took a tap of the brakes to get her to "lie down" again.


Well-Known Member
According to the local press in NC, there were 10 canine officers on the state police. The Governor has ordered ALL of them (nine remaining) suspended on administrative duties. Apparently, Trooper Jones was doing the general routine of the department. However, he must have taken further than was the norm. So the Governors take is this, the whole system is broke.


New Member
you know what, those dogs have came after me. Fuck them and those officers. Whichever one, the beater, the snitch, the leader, I dont care.


Active Member
I shouldn't of even watched this I am so pumped up right now. I've met some jackass cops in my life but this one is in the top 10. Would but the part that pisses me off even worse is what does the other guy do try to stop him pulls out his cell phone and records the shit. I mean of course we now have evidence he is a jackass but I mean I would have most likely asked the guy WTF his thought he was doing.


Well-Known Member
This just goes to show that this one guy I knew was always right. He ALWAYS used to say to me, "Police often have a mindset that is exactly like a criminal, they're just one step on the other side of the line. Some of them cross that line and ARE criminals."

I firmly believe that power corrupts incorruptibly. I also believe that certain professions attract certain people and certain types of people. Y'all with me here? I know good cops, bad cops and former cops, a lot of firefighters and similar public servants, and there is a HUGE difference in personalities between police and fire/paramedic. HUGE.