Doing MDMA with a friend, concerned about dose


Well-Known Member
I've done MDMA 3 times in the past two months or so, the 3rd time was kind of a disappointment and I attribute that to the 150mg of Benadryl in my system at the time, which I later read inhibits metabolism of MDMA.

Anyways, a couple weeks ago I was telling a female friend of mine about my experience, and she said she wanted to try it. I've heard that females are generally hit harder by MDMA than males. So far I've been taking .2's using the parachute method (wrapping the powder/rock in a Zig-Zag and swallowing it like a paper pill). After reading this article ( ), and being surprised by how big the difference in effects in females vs. males actually is, I'm just wondering if I should maybe shrink her dose a little bit to ensure a good experience.

She has experience depression in the past and I don't want to make any of that worse as she seems to be doing better these days. I have also experienced depression in my life but MDMA actually made me feel better afterwards, although I know this is different for everybody.

What do you guys/ladies think?

Also, I bought MDMA from two different people and both of them considered .2g a standard dose, and I found the effects quite pleasent, and not at all overwhelming, but whenever I see anyone mention a dose over 150mg on forums and other sites, people always say it's probably too much, or it'll glue you to the floor, etc. Is there something I'm missing here?



Well-Known Member
go about it this way. let her take half a dose and another half dose a couple hours later. as far as gender difference, all i have to say is that women are fuckin crazy and when theyre on e, they get crazier. different ways we go about it, so dont worry about it. enjoy the ride


Well-Known Member
If she suffers from clinical depression, I would not advise that she take MDMA. Is she on any depression medication? You should not do MDMA if on an MAOI, and SSRI's will decrease the effects.


Well-Known Member
If she decides to do it, and you have pure molly... .1g should be more than enough for a girl's first time, and if anything you could always re-dose when you peak


Well-Known Member
be careful dude, spinal fluid buildup possibility with too much causing OD.. girlfriend in high school did it every week for 4 months and wound up in a mental institution.. SEX was GREAT though hahahahah I'm terrible.. oh well rock on! :P


New Member
Ummm.... Yes. It Was First Synthesized In 1912. It Was Patented In 1914 My The Merck Company In 1914. It Was Not Subect For Human Use, It Was A Synthesis By-Product. In The 1950's It Was Tested By The CIA Just Like LSD For Chemical Warfare, ie Truth Serum. In The Mid 1970's It Was Picked Up Again By Psychiatrists And Therapists Who Were Familiar With The Field Of Psychedelic Psychotherapy. Now, Original Isn't The Best Of Words But It Was One Of The First Uses.


New Member
:-| Well I Could Tell You But Read The Fourth Sentence On Wikipedia's Article For It. That Should Be Easier For You To Find.


Well-Known Member
I notice it isn't cited. Clinical depression/MDMA do not mix, if it was used to treat it, it wasn't effective. Find another source saying MDMA is used effectively for clinical depression, I can find you many dealing with marrage counseling, and PTSD. Regardless, your advice is still bad advice...depression/ecsasy do not mix.


Well-Known Member
i remember the first time this girl rolled with me and she dropped 2 ebombs oh my gooooodness. :) :)


Well-Known Member
Whatever, its not important...what is important is that regular ecstasy use will make crazy girls even more me, I speak from experience


Well-Known Member
Ive been using MDMA for 5 years now. I feel fine :). WHen I first started I would drop a couple times a week. So far this year, I have only dropped 3 times.