Dolomite lime and PH


Well-Known Member
I have been having problems with my first crop, so I posted some pics here asking for some advice (thread is here:

I'm having some trouble keeping the temps below 85-88, but at this point there is little else I can do till I can afford an air conditioner for the space. But the response to my previous thread didn't seem concerned with the temps. They immediately jumped on a micro-nut def. I'm using RO/DI water with 0 TDS, so that also made sense.

I went to my local hydro store to get a micro-nut formula (ended up getting MagiCal, made by Technaflora). I also discussed my PH issues with the people at the hydro store and they had two things they suggested. One was a fox farms acid loving fertilizer (think it was 8-3-3, mentioned it was for us with azaleas and Rhododendron), but then they said I should probably hold off on that since I am giving them fish emulsion, and instead suggested I get some Espoma brand garden lime (pelletized dolomitic lime). Now I have a lot of experience with marine aquariums, and most of my ph knowledge comes from that, and in aquariums higher PH (and alkalinity) is primarily caused by calcium sources (like lime) reacting with excess Co2 in the water. So I did a search and found that this type of lime is typically used to buffer soil to a PH of 7. Some sources say anything from 6.3 to 7 is fine for my plants, but many other sources say to keep it from 6.2 to 6.8 (ideally around 6.5).

So I guess my question is if I should take this lime back and exchange it for the acid loving fert? I assumed they would be fairly knowledgable, but thinking maybe they had a brain fart and just mixed up which way I needed to alter my PH.

Also any other suggestions anyone with more experience had would be very appreciated :)