Donald Trump

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Bernie is was the best option. Riddle me this folks: who are all the people who got free state and community college educations in the 70s and 80s voting for? It seems theyre voting for Trump this election. So self made. Was the country being given away back then? Nope millionaires and the very wealthy paid more. They've shifted that tax burden down to the small business guy and further down to the single moms who have to work 2 jobs to stay off welfare. Not cool man.
Is it racist to provide funding so minority women can kill their babies by the thousands? Hell yeah!!

I want less government, less regulation, lower taxes and more freedom. If the government had less power then they would have less control and get less money, rinse and repeat.

so you want more freedom for you, but less freedom for women of any and all colors to make decisions about their reproductive health?

sorry, that doesn't fly.

what you want is white nationalism.
Is it racist to provide funding so minority women can kill their babies by the thousands? Hell yeah!!

I want less government, less regulation, lower taxes and more freedom. If the government had less power then they would have less control and get less money, rinse and repeat.

Do you know anyone who has had an abortion of really needed one? A victim of rape or a really emotionally messed up person who should not be taking care of children? My friend had a baby with a girl who found out her mother was really her aunt and her aunt was her mother but the dad was banging both of then and got the wrong one pregnant. He kept both women and beat them into submission. This girl grew up like that and started abusing meth. She stopped long enough to have a baby with my friend and then went right back to it, she cheated on him and got pregnant. Are you going to take care of that child? You barely want to help out with paying taxes for school and wic. Come on man fuck off with the abortion shit.
The above cracky wife scenario also happened to a Marine friend of mine upstate. His wife's family are only criminals though not polygamists. First scenario Philipino family second scenario white people. You're not just screwing minorities you're just screwing the poor.
The government is not to blame for you being a failure.

If I was a failure like you I would also be begging for things from the government. However, my life is great. You keep trying to tell me different but it wont change reality.

Clinton is more of the same, Trump is a chance at change.
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I prefer a professional crook over an amateur. Really Donald, pretending to be your own assistant to praise yourself? That's some Costanza shit. Also professional crooks aka politicians don't kill the golden goose by saber rattling with an equal opponent.

Hillary 2016 at least she won't get us nuked.

I'm really for Sanders but I still have a fighting chance with the status quo.
You might be wrong about her getting us Nuked.
She follows Obama defense policies very closely.
If you look at what Obama just recently did, putting up Nuclear Defense Shield Missiles on the Baltic States, which in return really pissed Putin off . Obama has just now made the world a much more dangerous place from a nuclear we perspective. Hillary made it public that she would never reach out to Putin. Which will lead you to believe she will just continue Obama's defense policies when she gets elected.

Now there is a world wide dooms day clock that was made famous in a song by Iron Maiden called 2 minutes to midnight. The clock has an approximate 5 minute window from Moderate threat being 5 minutes to 1 minute being the most extreme nuclear threat. Obama has put up the Defense Mechanisms on the Baltic State Territory, changing the clock from 4:20:leaf: to about 66 seconds. :fire: Remember, we are in the season for Blood Sacrifice to the Beast,:fire: which is why a famous person like Prince was sacrificed. :(Weather you like Prince or not, he spoke of chemtrails and doomsday fast approaching, when the government will seek to cut down massively on its populations through poisoning the waters and contaminating the food chains.
so as you can see, the world might not be a safer place with Hillary. But it surely will be a Helter Skelter with Trump.
You might be wrong about her getting us Nuked.
She follows Obama defense policies very closely.
If you look at what Obama just recently did, putting up Nuclear Defense Shield Missiles on the Baltic States, which in return really pissed Putin off . Obama has just now made the world a much more dangerous place from a nuclear we perspective. Hillary made it public that she would never reach out to Putin. Which will lead you to believe she will just continue Obama's defense policies when she gets elected.

Now there is a world wide dooms day clock that was made famous in a song by Iron Maiden called 2 minutes to midnight. The clock has an approximate 5 minute window from Moderate threat being 5 minutes to 1 minute being the most extreme nuclear threat. Obama has put up the Defense Mechanisms on the Baltic State Territory, changing the clock from 4:20:leaf: to about 66 seconds. :fire: Remember, we are in the season for Blood Sacrifice to the Beast,:fire: which is why a famous person like Prince was sacrificed. :(Weather you like Prince or not, he spoke of chemtrails and doomsday fast approaching, when the government will seek to cut down massively on its populations through poisoning the waters and contaminating the food chains.
so as you can see, the world might not be a safer place with Hillary. But it surely will be a Helter Skelter with Trump.


i don't back off of racists like you.

in fact, i will be dedicating my signature to you and your racism.

you won't mind when everyone on this site sees that you do not think it is racist to claim that all blacks have an "entitlement mentality", or that you hate political correctness because you can't call people "niggers" anymore, will you?

no, that won't be embarrassing for you at all.

no one will look at you any differently i bet.

you did this to yourself, racist.

i don't back off of racists like you.

in fact, i will be dedicating my signature to you and your racism.

you won't mind when everyone on this site sees that you do not think it is racist to claim that all blacks have an "entitlement mentality", or that you hate political correctness because you can't call people "niggers" anymore, will you?

no, that won't be embarrassing for you at all.

no one will look at you any differently i bet.

you did this to yourself, racist fuckface.
You left out Bigot
i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt for so so long.

i gave her every chance to condemn this vile racism.

she chose the path of racist idiocy.
I gave you proof positive of racism in a private message and you shrugged and said, nah he probably just trolling.

You are a hypocrite.

Someone speaking in generalities could appear to be biased when really they just didn't word things well.

I asked him point blank if he thought black people were lesser than white people. He said they were equal in all ways.

So let me ask you a question uncle buck.

Someone says he is a white nationalist and someone says he believes all people are created equal.

Who is the racist?
Doesn't mean he doesn't like them. A religious zealot is equal to me in all ways, physically mentally spiritually it doesn't mean I like them. I will conduct business with them and return their treatment in kind so society can keep moving but that's as far as my association goes. And that's not just for Christians but Jews Muslims and anyone else. Frankly one track conversations with people who self identify as something are pretty boring so...

Jogging on
Doesn't mean he doesn't like them. A religious zealot is equal to me in all ways, physically mentally spiritually it doesn't mean I like them. I will conduct business with them and return their treatment in kind so society can keep moving but that's as far as my association goes. And that's not just for Christians but Jews Muslims and anyone else. Frankly one track conversations with people who self identify as something are pretty boring so...

Jogging on

Disliking a person's position on issues is not an excuse to treat them badly.

I will tell someone, that sounds kinda racist or thats offensive.

They either keep their thoughts on that subject to themselves or I walk away and talk to someone else.

I try my best to learn the heart of others. If I see hate there, I sometimes try to gently change their view.

I think more positive comes from persuasive talks than angry talks. It is hard to change someone's view of the world when you attack them. It is better to try to understand why they think a certain way and explain why things simply are not as they perceive them.

Yelling, name calling, and blaming doesn't change many hearts.
But what If people like you don't want to hear gentle, kind reason? What if you're so isolated and your community so homogenized that you never encounter a dissenting opinion?
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