Donald Trump

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Poor losers, afraid you're going to lose your Strawberry-picking and McDonald's jobs because of immigrants, this is why Trump supporters are mentally handicapped and need to be issued a card saying "not a good poster child to promote the benefits of smoking marijuana, in fact, this person is so stupid he could be dangerous"

About your "get things done", financial activists have calculated that if Tump had just saved his money and not made any kind of business he would have the same fortune. Meaning that most of his "get things done" businesses have been a total failure.

He is using the same rhetoric as Hitler, I believe if he wins, America will go downhill pretty bad and that will be just karma.
Pooy pants, Why do you keep bitching about the gravy? I thought you liked gravy. yum yum TRUMP!

i just find it hilarious how much you complain about everything the federal government does or doesn't do, and all the while, you and your wife just sit there, living on federal government checks and doing nothing.

you don't even work. your wife never worked but still gets a social security check and medicare.

you are literally what is driving america into debt. moochers like you.
When I lived in San Diego, I had Mexican illegal housemates.

They were very nice, hard working people, worked in construction which is basically one of the lowest-entry jobs one can get and the only one they know how to do. If you're afraid of losing that job then you should really consider getting some education.

Also they don't claim any checks, in fact, they're so afraid of being deported that they just hide, they don't even feel comfortable at malls and keep a low-profile.

Also, we had a neighbor who was basically a homeless old man who somehow tricked a land lord to rent a house, then didn't pay rent, he invited his homeless friends to live in there and they were drinking and cursing everywhere inside and outside the house, living like homeless people do and it took the landlord months to evict them.
They were legal Americans.
That shows how dumb you are buck you got to pay it in to drow ss how many times you need told that?TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT and when trump wins I hope he sends you packing buck for your no American but your ky...later its tv time for westerns now buck you go watch your gay shows...LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

you said lol many times yet i never laughed.
When I lived in San Diego, I had Mexican illegal housemates.

They were very nice, hard working people, worked in construction which is basically one of the lowest-entry jobs one can get and the only one they know how to do. If you're afraid of losing that job then you should really consider getting some education.

Also they don't claim any checks, in fact, they're so afraid of being deported that they just hide, they don't even feel comfortable at malls and keep a low-profile.

Also, we had a neighbor who was basically a homeless old man who somehow tricked a land lord to rent a house, then didn't pay rent, he invited his homeless friends to live in there and they were drinking and cursing everywhere inside and outside the house, living like homeless people do and it took the landlord months to evict them.
They were legal Americans.
THEY SHOULD BE deported THEY ARE illegal and should not be in the states till they come here legal.What is hard to under stand about that??
I remember something else, one of these illegal Mexican immigrants had a LEGAL American girlfriend who had his child and she was living off government checks, watching TV and eating the whole day plus bossing his illegal boyfriend around and milking his money.

If I learned something is that LEGAL people are the ones who live off welfare.
They can dig all they want. And watch out for londonfog, he is a smart fucker. Maybe he won't notice how you spelled border. It will take as long as it takes to build the wall. I will go out on a limb and say two years. TRUMP!

Sorry my phone has auto correct. I figured by speaking retard you all would understand!
Just some views from a guy that's very close to the Trump campaign and mentioned as a possible VP i think people should look at what views are toward marijuana in possible candidates if people want progress Just search youtube and Christie and Marijuana he said he would go after legal states just a thought for everybody that worked so hard to get it the way it is but this is just an opinion i dont really like to speak on political issues just want peoples views on this

Ky man you are the worst kind of piece of shit that exists. You are an immigrant who denies other immigrants the same path to improving their lives that you took. Hypocritical illiterate piece of shit. Can you even read and right in your native tongue? See immigrants come from all walks of life you must be one of the more unfortunate uneducated ones. Too bad you aren't taking advantage of our education system. In fact you're rhetoric and voting history seem to show your again at education. Lol lol and that stand for laugh out loud.
Let me guess you got here on a political refugee visa? Chased out of your country for being an asshole shouldn't burden my birth country you twat.
i just find it hilarious how much you complain about everything the federal government does or doesn't do, and all the while, you and your wife just sit there, living on federal government checks and doing nothing.

you don't even work. your wife never worked but still gets a social security check and medicare.

you are literally what is driving america into debt. moochers like you.
Nitro gets ss checks ?
i just find it hilarious how much you complain about everything the federal government does or doesn't do, and all the while, you and your wife just sit there, living on federal government checks and doing nothing.

you don't even work. your wife never worked but still gets a social security check and medicare.

you are literally what is driving america into debt. moochers like you.

Poopy pants, I don't live off of my wife's SS checks. It just goes into a savings account. I work everyday, you should see this place sense I have done the yard. I might be able to double my money if I listed it. Tell me something, how would a person never work and then draw an SS check? That would be like fucking magic. Tell us all how that works. And I do like gravy, yum ,yum. TRUMP!
Sorry my phone has auto correct. I figured by speaking retard you all would understand!

Hey, I don't spell worth a shit no problemO. I was just letting you know that some people here like to brag about their diploma and correct peoples spelling in a way that makes them feel like they are smart fuckers. TRUMP!
Hey, I don't spell worth a shit no problemO. I was just letting you know that some people here like to brag about their diploma and correct peoples spelling in a way that makes them feel like they are smart fuckers. TRUMP!
Poor little high school drop out, you seem all in your feelings today.
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