Donald Trump

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“The economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” Donald John Trump [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04]
Go ahead and CAP-em!

*hear me?
would you like me to remove that post, I heard you the first time, if that is what you would like me to do, I am more than happy to do that? Perhaps you should be telling these other people to follow rules to, just saying! I have been called a racist, a penis, a retard, the list goes on and have not started the name calling and you have said nothing!
would you like me to remove that post, I heard you the first time, if that is what you would like me to do, I am more than happy to do that? Perhaps you should be telling these other people to follow rules to, just saying! I have been called a racist, a penis, a retard, the list goes on and have not started the name calling and you have said nothing!

i want to fart in your mouth and jizz in your eyeball.
how is that his fault? he was handed a $1.539 trillion dollar deficit which he never added a penny to. in fact, he cut it by over a trillion dollars.

why is that a problem for you?
10 trillion to 20 trillion and you ask why that is his problem, really? Deficit which you are talking about = 1 year, Debt, Federal debt = what out country is in debt for, what we owe in total over all the years. Our debt when President Bush left office was 10 trillion, our debt when Obama leaves office will be 20 trillion. That means our debt has doubled and is not good.
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10 trillion to 20 trillion and you ask why that is his problem, really?

yes, why is that his fault?

obama has never added a single penny to the deficit. he was handed the most massive deficit of all time from a president who inherited a surplus. every single bit of the debt that got incurred during his presidency is due to the overspending republican that came before him.

all obama has done is cut the deficit by over a trillion dollars, which is more than any other president in all of american history.

post a picture of yourself with your black husband.
yes, why is that his fault?

obama has never added a single penny to the deficit. he was handed the most massive deficit of all time from a president who inherited a surplus. every single bit of the debt that got incurred during his presidency is due to the overspending republican that came before him.

all obama has done is cut the deficit by over a trillion dollars, which is more than any other president in all of american history.

post a picture of yourself with your black husband.
If you do not even understand the difference between a yearly deficit, and the total Federal debt, then this conversation is useless. I will not even acknowledge your insulting remark about posting a picture. You are not worth the time or trouble and behave worse than my 3 year old grandson, who I believe has more manners than you do.
If you do not even understand the difference between a yearly deficit, and the total Federal debt, then this conversation is useless. I will not even acknowledge your insulting remark about posting a picture. You are not worth the time or trouble and behave worse than my 3 year old grandson, who I believe has more manners than you do.

the yearly deficit is what gets added on to the debt.

obama has never added a penny to the yearly deficit.

obama has in fact cut the yearly deficit by over a trillion dollars.
I believe in God. I believe Christ was a prophet. I believe there have been many prophets. I do not go to any church and generally do not believe in most church doctrine. I believe in love thy neighbor, but do not trust I consider myself a spiritual person, and do believe there is something after death due to certain things that have happened in my life. Not sure whether to believe in a heaven or quantum physics. I do pray for myself and other people and other nations. I believe prayer is a good vibe that can help good things happen. I believe plants like music!
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