"Don't Look to the World to Find Love; Essentially, Look to God"


New Member
"Don't Look to the World to Find Love; Essentially, Look to God"
Many people who have been (or not have been) hurt by love tend to look for it in the world, as in according to the pattern of the world's standards; but, I tell you the Truth, before you can ever truly realize love in a mate or whatever, you must find it within yourself; until you find it within your heart and mind through God's Virtue you will never find or realize you have it on earth.

P.s. So, before you go trying to get somebody back because they hurt your heart, you ought to take time to (further) establish your personal relationship with God, thus, such time is truly a time for soul searching. By doing so, you will find Perfect Sense", the Spirit of Love/Virtue, as in Spirit of Discernment, thus, recognizing God's Spirit in any potential mate prospect and/or friends and love ones in general.

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru your loved ones,
Mark Daniels
[email protected]
http://virtuousintelligence.spaces.live.com http://www.eternityinvestments.zoomshare.com/0.html



New Member
Praise the lord kill all the sinners.:peace:

You now that there's a difference between the act of killing and the act of murder. Also, thir are two states of reality of those two acts; a physical one and a spiritual one, withthat in mind also a one of the mind; and lastly withthat in mind it could possibly be a good thing or a bad ting to do so, so consider thoroughly.


Well-Known Member

You now that there's a difference between the act of killing and the act of murder. Also, thir are two states of reality of those two acts; a physical one and a spiritual one, withthat in mind also a one of the mind; and lastly withthat in mind it could possibly be a good thing or a bad ting to do so, so consider thoroughly.
Prove spirituality or do we have to take it on faith?


New Member
Prove spirituality or do we have to take it on faith?

Even with proof, what good is it to you?

If you have your mind made up; what is proved will not be for you. For the Record: Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's certainly true that your imaginary friend is much less likely to let you down than a real human being. Is that your point?


Well-Known Member
Love is the key to true happiness. People that come here to post hateful, disrespectful, close minded statements, are a miserable bunch indeed. They try anything to turn something so positive into a negative. Sad. Tells ya alot about their personality. There are better ways of voicing views and opinions. This being a marijuana site there sure are alot of close minded people. Seems some troll around just looking for opportunities to lash out. Cant be smokin what I am.
Anyways... Prophecy your message is so true! I had a hole in my soul. I was spiritually bankrupt. I tried to fill that hole with everything "worldly". Drugs, money, women... none of these things filled me. And no matter my situation I was always left feeling empty. In the early 90's I had a chance to spend a few years doing some soul searching.( The penitentiary will do that for ya.) Prison helped me realize one thing for sure. Sober...I hated myself. I could'nt look in the mirror. My whole life I was BLIND. The enemy was sin. And only one thing could fill my dark empty soul. Love. Jesus Christ and His perfect example. Yep thats what did it. His love filled that hole in my spirit. It is so powerful, it has allowed me to actually start to love myself. Prison is now only a bad memory of what I was. Gods awesome love has completely transformed me! In 2005 I was married to the perfect women and life has never been better. All the glory to God! His love still grows in me and helps me to see His truths on a daily basis. How blessed I feel. Thank you for your awesome message my friend and brother in Christ! Although not all of your seeds will find fertile soil. Trust that some will! IMO Much Love.



New Member
Love is the key to true happiness. People that come here to post hateful, disrespectful, close minded statements, are a miserable bunch indeed. They try anything to turn something so positive into a negative. Sad. Tells ya alot about their personality. There are better ways of voicing views and opinions. This being a marijuana site there sure are alot of close minded people. Seems some troll around just looking for opportunities to lash out. Cant be smokin what I am.
Anyways... Prophecy your message is so true! I had a hole in my soul. I was spiritually bankrupt. I tried to fill that hole with everything "worldly". Drugs, money, women... none of these things filled me. And no matter my situation I was always left feeling empty. In the early 90's I had a chance to spend a few years doing some soul searching.( The penitentiary will do that for ya.) Prison helped me realize one thing for sure. Sober...I hated myself. I could'nt look in the mirror. My whole life I was BLIND. The enemy was sin. And only one thing could fill my dark empty soul. Love. Jesus Christ and His perfect example. Yep thats what did it. His love filled that hole in my spirit. It is so powerful, it has allowed me to actually start to love myself. Prison is now only a bad memory of what I was. Gods awesome love has completely transformed me! In 2005 I was married to the perfect women and life has never been better. All the glory to God! His love still grows in me and helps me to see His truths on a daily basis. How blessed I feel. Thank you for your awesome message my friend and brother in Christ! Although not all of your seeds will find fertile soil. Trust that some will! IMO Much Love.



New Member
Well, it's certainly true that your imaginary friend is much less likely to let you down than a real human being. Is that your point?

If you are responding to me and my understand/relationship with Jesus Christ; no doubt about it.


Well-Known Member
God.... Never met him. Jesus neither.

Is it certain they exist? My parents would swear on it, but they have never met God or Jesus. In fact, I have never met ANYONE who has even so much as seen either one; unless it was on a tortilla.

A little unclear on the concept of putting total and blind faith in the words of men who claim to speak for the deity.


New Member
God.... Never met him. Jesus neither.

Is it certain they exist? My parents would swear on it, but they have never met God or Jesus. In fact, I have never met ANYONE who has even so much as seen either one; unless it was on a tortilla.

A little unclear on the concept of putting total and blind faith in the words of men who claim to speak for the deity.

Guess what, I have in dream, night vision and what I believe in passsing opposite directions on the streets of Detroit, Mi (scent).

Sometimes you have to seek or desire things before you can even realize them.

What I am saying is would you know it if you did?

No doubt!


Well-Known Member
i found love in this world without turning to god, actually i found my love in this world when i stopped lookin for god


Well-Known Member
Having faith in something doesn't neccesarily make it real. You can wish and dream and hope all you want but at some point a rational human is going to say "Am I fooling myself?".
I have no problem with religion in any of its forms as long as it doesn't persecute me and my atheist views.


New Member
i found love in this world without turning to god, actually i found my love in this world when i stopped lookin for god

That's either an illusion and/or impossible.


You may have found it in this world, but not of this world.

God is Love;

you can obtain it without truly knowing Him; bt it is only truly realize when you understand that it is He that is the essence of this love that you claim to have found in the world.


New Member
Having faith in something doesn't neccesarily make it real. You can wish and dream and hope all you want but at some point a rational human is going to say "Am I fooling myself?".
I have no problem with religion in any of its forms as long as it doesn't persecute me and my atheist views.

Is it possible to truly believe in something and not be tested. Are you an athiest because you are scarred of persecution.

Persecution is the refining process in this jealous world; but after the refinng is True Paradise. The purpose of faith is a life line to permit you to persevere until that that you have dream or been called for is achieved and/or revealed.

I have yet to manifest the promise that God has promised me, but at the same time if I died today, I feel that my reward is ETERNITY in heaven.

My heart is undoubtedly comfortable with the promise alone. Though I expect to manifest my inheritance.


Active Member
got morality and death... religion is nothing more than a way for people to cope with the fact that one day they will die and they need something other than themselves to make it mean something. killing isn't good and it isn't fun, just ask any one of us that got tied up in gwb's brute squad.


Well-Known Member

That's either an illusion and/or impossible.


You may have found it in this world, but not of this world.

God is Love;

you can obtain it without truly knowing Him; bt it is only truly realize when you understand that it is He that is the essence of this love that you claim to have found in the world.
so its a HIM? can u prove it? and no the love i have for my woman is neither an illusion or impossible. sorry i dont need a man made deity to tell me how much i love something


New Member
got morality and death... religion is nothing more than a way for people to cope with the fact that one day they will die and they need something other than themselves to make it mean something. killing isn't good and it isn't fun, just ask any one of us that got tied up in gwb's brute squad.


Religion is another word for law or discipline in one or two brief meanings; thou law or religion at best is consistent with Spirit, religion and spirituality are not always the same or consistent.

Before God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, laws were written on our hearts (and minds); however, after mankind began to abuse such liberties as in no natural laws God had to choose between destroying the world again as He did during the times of Moses or some else, God chose the Ten Commandments.

My point, if ondividual would learn to hear God from Heaven within our hearts (and from His Word in our minds), law, nor religin on stone tablets would be necessary.

My point, religion and Spirituality aren't necessarily the same, though at best, ought to be consistent, as in Truth, and the other Virtue.

Withthis being said, Spirituality/Virtue provides an opportunity for mankind to obtain immortality, as in Etermity in Heaven or in hell; there really is one of two choices based on the Truth that your conscience (attempts) to guide you by.

You must come out of denial and face the reality of the TRUTH and how your conscience is responding to it.

This is "tough love"