Doob's and Mindmelted's Growinpalooza!!


Well-Known Member
Shit at this rate who knows lol.
Doobs my own future is unsure right now.But it would be a blast i think.
My job does not look like it is going to last much longer,and hard to get hired when you have a screwed up back.
No employer wants to take the risk with me.


Well-Known Member
Doobs my own future is unsure right now.But it would be a blast i think.
My job does not look like it is going to last much longer,and hard to get hired when you have a screwed up back.
No employer wants to take the risk with me.
No employer wants to take me because I don't have a little piece of paper that says that I'm competent/intelligent enough to work for them lol, that and the criminal history.


Active Member
I say we all move to the promised land (i.e. wherever pot is legal) and start a Co-op, and enjoy the sunshine..... =) ahh dreams..


Well-Known Member
Few new pics :blsmoke:

looking great there mind!! damn these came along quick ive been gone awhile from here nobody likes me:cry: hahah for reals though mind and doobs and the club only reason i sign in right now oh and to see all my love/hater letters lol...bongsmilie
though i may start a journal too on my black cherry kush..

what have you dudes been up too????:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looking great there mind!! damn these came along quick ive been gone awhile from here nobody likes me:cry: hahah for reals though mind and doobs and the club only reason i sign in right now oh and to see all my love/hater letters lol...bongsmilie
though i may start a journal too on my black cherry kush..

what have you dudes been up too????:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie
Just watching the girl grow and working and cleaning the house i will be living in soon.Other than that been smokeless for a week NOW :evil:


Well-Known Member
looking great there mind!! damn these came along quick ive been gone awhile from here nobody likes me:cry: hahah for reals though mind and doobs and the club only reason i sign in right now oh and to see all my love/hater letters lol...bongsmilie
though i may start a journal too on my black cherry kush..

what have you dudes been up too????:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie
MMmmmm BCKush yummmm.

Been figuring shit out, stressing, out of herb for like the first time in a long time. Ahhhhh when it rains it pours that's for damn sure.

You have hater letters? Pfffft those folks are caaaahhhhhrrrraaazzzy to hate you Wretched lol.


Well-Known Member
MMmmmm BCKush yummmm.

Been figuring shit out, stressing, out of herb for like the first time in a long time. Ahhhhh when it rains it pours that's for damn sure.

You have hater letters? Pfffft those folks are caaaahhhhhrrrraaazzzy to hate you Wretched lol.

haha yeah thats what i wanna say hey your losing a good friend but the fire is beyond fixing now lol..bongsmilie

being out always sucks have you been scraping your bowls??


bud bootlegger
dat is one sweet looking female you got there mind.. sooo nice. how long she been in flower now, about two weeks or so? looks great though.
and i def. feel you doob's on no one wanting to hire you for your criminal record, i am right there with you.. all of my shit is dumb ass posession charges, but companies don''t care, i may as well be a convicted serial killer in their eyes. it is kinda depressiing, but i just try to keep on trucking, so to speak.. some times it is easy just to dwell on all of the negatives and forget about what good we have in our lives, whatever that maybe, lol.. oh well... hope everyones days get a little brighter..


Well-Known Member

I just got a new job even with my possession charge (thats it for my record). Even better yet it is related to security and they ran a background check. I think the key is to find a local business, not a nat'l corp. Small business owners are far less likely to care about simple possession and dont have a corporate policy regarding that issue. Also drug testing is very expensive. I was up front with them regarding my record but I think if you dont say anything and it shows up in the background check ur screwed. But have no fear, somebody out there is willing to hire us stoners!


Well-Known Member

I just got a new job even with my possession charge (thats it for my record). Even better yet it is related to security and they ran a background check. I think the key is to find a local business, not a nat'l corp. Small business owners are far less likely to care about simple possession and dont have a corporate policy regarding that issue. Also drug testing is very expensive. I was up front with them regarding my record but I think if you dont say anything and it shows up in the background check ur screwed. But have no fear, somebody out there is willing to hire us stoners!
Try 5 felonies....

Not misdemeanors....


Well-Known Member
haha yeah thats what i wanna say hey your losing a good friend but the fire is beyond fixing now lol..bongsmilie

being out always sucks have you been scraping your bowls??
Yeah well they are missin' out on a chill ass friend, their loss not yours. Plus we all still got much love for ya lol.

I had some friends hook it up with roaches and schwaggles, but yeah I've taken some resin hits, icky lol. Not too bad when I chew a piece of watermelon gum while I toke lol.

dat is one sweet looking female you got there mind.. sooo nice. how long she been in flower now, about two weeks or so? looks great though.
and i def. feel you doob's on no one wanting to hire you for your criminal record, i am right there with you.. all of my shit is dumb ass posession charges, but companies don''t care, i may as well be a convicted serial killer in their eyes. it is kinda depressiing, but i just try to keep on trucking, so to speak.. some times it is easy just to dwell on all of the negatives and forget about what good we have in our lives, whatever that maybe, lol.. oh well... hope everyones days get a little brighter..
I hear you dude, you should be able to get a job with a misdemeanor though (At least in my state it's a misdemeanor for possession for the most part). I have felony charges, it's a hell of a lot harder when it's felony, especially when it's more than one. Still looking though, I don't give up easily I'm too hard headed lol.

I usually try to keep a positive attitude, it's hard but it's better than having a really negative one. Even then I still slip up and get all negative Nancy style lol, but it's all good, no one's perfect lol.

Good luck on finding a job dude.


Well-Known Member
hey doobs your from Hawaii? right? if you are have you smoked or know anyone who has grown Puna Budder?? jw.. if not dont even worry about it lol


Well-Known Member
hey doobs your from Hawaii? right? if you are have you smoked or know anyone who has grown Puna Budder?? jw.. if not dont even worry about it lol
Haven't lived there in about 15 years, and no I don't know anyone who has grown that strain.

So.... I won't worry about it ;-) lol.