Dosing your edibles


Active Member

  • Ok guys so to my understand this how you figure the MG per edible.(any EXPERTS out there PLEASE correct me if i am wrong) as i am trying to understand myself.

    Ok my Example.Here we go.

    When i make my Canna Coconut Oil this is my Method. 4oz maryjane/80oz CoconutOil/80 water. I mix all ingredients into crockpot then set on low lowest setting for 8 hours. Strain, so on and so fourth. This ultimately gives me 12 (3/4 full jars of canna oil)

    So 4oz=112grams.
    112 grams x 1000(1000mg in a gram)=112,000

    No I divide 112000/12(the amount of full jars i have) = 9,333 (this is now how many MG are in each 3/4cup of Canna Oil).

    Im left with 9,333MG per jar divided by 1/4=2,333mg per 1/4 cup.

    So now if i were to make a batch of lets say suckers and the recipe calls for 1/4 canna oil and i make a total 25 suckers.
    I would divide 2,333 by 25 = 93mg per sucker.

    Thats my understanding of figuring out the MG . im also aware that this will vary on strain and quality of herb. I use mixed Buds and sugar leafs.

    OR you can send it into the state or test it yourself =) constructive criticism accepted =) one love​
