DOUBLE STEMMING, What the hell happened?


Well-Known Member
i germinated a seed that was quite a big one when i took it out of the packet.
By the time it had germinated it had the main white taproot comming out of it, and comming out of that was another taproot, just a smaller one.
Could this mean that one stem could be female and the other be a male one?


Well-Known Member
is it more likely for them either both to be male, or both be female if they came out the same seed with two taproots?


Well-Known Member
sounds really any pics of it?

and i dunno about having 2 stems from multiple taproots, i mean just look at the millions of roots in a root ball, doesnt mean its gonna have a million stems tho..but u never know...i wanna follow the grow, u should start a journal on this one


Active Member
Ummm, im pretty sure, that a double stemmed plant isnt going to grow out of your seed.... As tap roots progress they start to separate into there own roots... this is normal...


Well-Known Member
My 400 watt hps light just came today, im a happy man, but what happened with that seed is fucking wierd isnt it. I went down there earlier to look ok, and the one seed has now made two plants. it started off as the taproot with a little spike comming out of it...Then as i planted, both taproots grew into the soil and now that the seed casing has fallen off, there are two nice looking ice plnts comming from the same base. double kolas man!!!but connected roots??


Well-Known Member
They must be twins, a twin plant is definitely not impossible, if we humans and animals can do it, then why cant plants? it is just something that is probably quite rare, but at least its happening in my grow room.
Cant wait to use my light........if i mixed floros and/orcfl's withe the hps, would it be worth it??
Floros: 21w cool white, warm white, white
cfl:21w warm


Well-Known Member
I think it's pretty hard to set up with fluorescent/HID lights. Once the fluorescents are close enough to be effective, it's blocking the light from the MH. CFL's could make it easier to light from an angle in order to allow maximum light, by not blocking your expensive light. If you can pull it off and give off your cool and warm light for awhile then by all means go for it, but be careful.

Personally I'd just get it established with very close fluorescents and then switch to my powerful lights(which incidentally arrive sometime today for me) ^___^
Maybe its a hermaphrodite, it's not that rare to get one but sense there's 2 stems coming out of 1 seeds, im guessing it could be.