doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....


Well-Known Member
well I managed to get 2 new t5-8's installed & removed 1 1000mh. I'll hang 4 more t5-8's tomorrow & remove the other 2 lights.i will paint the floor & walls white. I will have 6 t5-8's in place of 3x1000w mh...i'll snap some pics when I get r done


Well-Known Member
yep, mounted on hooks. It's like a giant light box in there, light bouncing off the walls, floor & everywhere. There are no shadows in there, very bright to the eyes. I'm gonna have soo many big plants in & out of there, raising & lowering them would be a major pain in the ass..
Have you done this before?
Its a sitting room- short term?

I see a lot of stretch coming soon if they are going to be vegged in there for more than a few days.
I am not trying to knock you- I love using T5's- but...... I have used them quite a bit, and---- Are you using the stretch and fill technique? If so that only works in measured increments.... did you see the difference in the plants that I have- the lankier stretchy ones? They all flopped over and are not happy since outside...
I do think the stretch and fill technique would do them well- Light placed 14-16" above canopy- plants stretch to reach desired density of PAR Lumens (5-8" from lights, 1 week), then once there, fill in as much space with nodal development as possible making good use of the energy and bulking up the stalks for strength (6-1" from lights, 2nd week). But the plants will stretch until they start receiving enough light to adequately produce energy for dense vegetative growth.

You can see this happened in my journal. Your plants are more used to the warmer denser light of 1000W's right?

would it bother you if I post a couple pictures to help show what I am trying to describe?
Have you ever gotten to visit TMB's garden?


Well-Known Member
It's so bright in there! Looks like there is room for a few more :)

Wait until your room is covered in LEDs! @SomeGuy can set you up.

Next season :)

I could build whatever anyone wanted. just need space size and I can map it in cad and design a custom fixture setup to build. VERO 29 on dimmable 2.1amp drivers would not need to be raised or lowered in that space and we could probably lower electrical and cooling needs at the same time. T-5s do really well though. LED is just long term with almost zero depreciation in lumen output when built right.