down to my last bong :-(


Well-Known Member
so anybody ever get the shits when there down to there last cone?

i dont know but tell me whenever ur down to ur last cone do u tend to hold that shit in for aslong as possible? fuc i do.

anyways here goes....pause......pause........bubble..bubble..bubble...pop.
exxhaaallleeeeeee....//cough......cough....cough....drink....ahhhhhh thats better ok so now im gonna just sit here and wait till i get on again...ill just play the

i love pot...


Well-Known Member
I dont think ill ever not smoke for 2 days max again.
Always got a friend or my bro to smoke with.


Well-Known Member
fuck i wont be outta weed for less than a day,ill go crazy

2 weeks fucccccccc dude fuc .thats bad news man i bet ur a mad stressed out cunt,ull have to just get pissed everynight to ease the nervs


Well-Known Member
so anybody ever get the shits when there down to there last cone?

i dont know but tell me whenever ur down to ur last cone do u tend to hold that shit in for aslong as possible? fuc i do.

anyways here goes....pause......pause........bubble..bubble..bubble...pop.
exxhaaallleeeeeee....//cough......cough....cough....drink....ahhhhhh thats better ok so now im gonna just sit here and wait till i get on again...ill just play the

i love pot...

down to your last bong or your last bong load?

sorry, I'm :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
fuc just got bac from 2 dealers and the basterds didnt have any,its bin about 2 1/2 hours since my last cone .

im now entering straightville


Well-Known Member
Even when I run out of weed, theres enough shit around here to keep me high for a week. Scrape all 8 pipes, 4 bong slides, and use the vaped weed... then go through all the baggies lookin for shake... then the grinder, banging it around for that last bit of keif. Ah, desperation. Isn't it great?


Well-Known Member
I usually have enough things in my room to get me high for like two days after i go dry. My grinder constantly has like a gram of crystal in it, resin on all 10 pieces, shake in baggies.


Well-Known Member
its been about 2 days for me and im going nuts. its snowed as fuck and cant get around newhere. hopefully ups still runs cuz im waiting on my shipment of seeds!! then I can go looking for bud :D