Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style

Ha, I just put them in my empty planters in my hydro system and cover the pots with plastic, the kind that has the elastic. That may be part of the problem with my survival rate! I do use clonex and spray them with water mixed with clonex. Really, I'm just winging it!
Kotton.....You're right! I did just try to lick it! My elbow, that is. I could NOT do it, and I thought I was pretty dang flexible!

Go Ms. Botwin! you're cloning success rate will only increase! I just rolled up a particularily bohemouth doobie. Would you care to join me in a smoke? Las, Don, Doc, fab, SB, Lumi, Kotton, Rene, D, Howard...........Fuck.......looks like I'ma have to roll another. :)
Look you bunch of munchkins, why has no one blown this up yet?????????????

awwwwww, I want to go there now please.
Look you bunch of munchkins, why has no one blown this up yet?????????????

awwwwww, I want to go there now please.

That would be so great! I miss living 20 minutes from the beach, forget if I could actually live on a beach like that! Pure bliss.
i love being surrounded by water :wink: the town i grew up in had one of the worlds nicest beaches, according to the travel channel anyway lol
i hated it growing up, traffic everywhere, drunken retards starting shit, you remember that mtv show they had for a single season called FM nation? anyway they came there once and the beach cops made record breaking arrests... but now that im older i cant get enough, anyone who grows and has a waverunner is welcome anytime :wink:
Today's negative nastiness literally ruined my day. I've spent the whole time feeling bad about being a part of the reason this thread got off track. Negative BS bothers me to my CORE. At the same time, I am extremely protective of my friends. To a fault even. That goes for my interweb friends I've never even met (weird to me still). But yeah, it's hard for me not to resort to my younger days and call a motherfucker out sometimes! You know that scene in "Goodfellas" where Henry walks across the street and pistol whips that guys face off? It's like that, ya know? Once again......Apologies to our superbly awesome host: THE DOC!

BUT, if you're my fam, you're my FAM, and I'll take a bullet for ya! :)

I'm about to load a HUMONGOLOID bowl of freshly dried Querkle and I'd REALLLLLLY like it if you all partook with me. Love you crazy wankers! (D, Las......is that right? Wankers? Sods?) HA! :)
Dude I'm the exact same way, must be the silicilan in us .....hahaha

I'm here smoking a bowl of blue cheese and I'm watching Camelot
haha, lots of rude words are used as terms of affection in the English slang language, but calling someone a wanker is just not one of them, ahahaha, made me laugh so hard my lung nearly popped out though, hehehehe, thanks Bushy, that alone has made my day.....off for a wank now :shock:

I have a feeling this weekend is going to be fun.

Peace out nuggles, DST