Dr. Chronic, Lowlife seeds (MIX) *strain report*


Well-Known Member
Dr. Chronic (Dr Chronics Cannabis seeds bank)

Lowlife seeds (Lowlife Seeds) - Autoflowering mix

So to make a long story short this grow was all over the place. I don't know what I grew between 5 plants, except for 1 citral. So I knew 20% of what I was growing. I later assumed that two sativas I was growing were Lemon Skunk from the automix packet, as they were breeeder's packets.

In vegetive stage most of the autoflowers were pretty uniform. It turned out none of them were autoflowering though, so they got pretty big. I vegged them for about 6 weeks, to a height of 1 foot - 1.5 feet. Mostly they uterlized all of their branches right from the beginning, the angle they grew was extremely vertical towards the light. In the middle all of them had a main flower/flower site area, and later on in growth this contributed to one of them having one massive main cola.

In flower the Indicas continued on with their uniform growth and bloomed accordingly and without any defeciencies or problems. The sativas were a whole different story though. Around 6.5 weeks they began to lose their fan leave coloring and after another week it really looked like the fan leaves had turned an autumn pink/red like the sunset.

Around 7 weeks I could really begin to notice the smell coming from the Sativas, one was growing kinda sickly and the other one was the dominant smell in the room. The smell off of the fan leafs consisted of a lemony smell like those lemonheads you buy at the movies. The buds though smelt so much more amazing. It was the same sort of lemony smell from the leaves but so much more intense, instead of a candy smell it was acidic lemons straight in your nose, followed by an intense after-taste of skunk that just didn't get off of anything it touched for hours. If you touch these buds, don't go outside for 2 hours sort of deal.

The buds for the most part were really fluffy and small. The two Sativas had two different phenotypes, even though they smelt the same and had the same lanky structure and leaf size and shape. One grew with a big ball-like main cola, and the other one grew real long, about 13 inches in the end. When I cut them they hadn't fully grown in, at 9 1/2 weeks, but they were dense. The ball-like pheno sativa actually began to turn purple, like the buds were half-way purple with white trichomes, and the main bud was imposssibly dense. The other sativa grew with typical "weird alien arms" buds and took really long time to fill in, and it didn't turn purple like the other one but I think the smell was really more intense and it also received a very nice flush.

Now onto the smoke report:

Visual: 7; Dark green 'lamb's ear' leaves sprinkled with trichomes surrounded a mountain of cluster-pack buds just absolutely painted on with trichomes.

Smell: 8.5; The buds smell amazing. At first you get a sharp undertone of skunk that invades your nostrils and leaves an aftertaste of lemon. If you open 1-2 jars of this stuff your whole room will stink of the same combination of smells.

Taste: 4; It doesn't really have much taste, but I hope with a longer cure the full properties will come out.

Potency: 8.5; This stuff is potent! I felt really excited and like that my mind was moving at a thousand miles a second but I saw everything going in slow motion. It's really psychadelic and trippy, with very little to no body effect.

Density: 5; The stuff is not very dense, sort of leafy.

Creeper: 1. This shit is immediate. Low to high instantly.