Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Hi Babs... :)
Wassup Doc? I keep trying to give you "rep".....keeps telling me I have to spread the rep.....damn, I did, I did!!! LOL, RIU has banned me from repping you.
BTW.......I need a vacation.
Sipping on some margaritas in Hawaii, toking off some of your bud.....sounds pretty damn good to me. ;)
we had a flash flood and heavy ass rains today, and I was a little worried. good thing I had it staked. by the way, I added more stakes for support...

if you look in the first pic, you can see 2 yellow leaves...I thought that was funny:hump:

also it looks kinda short *like it lost some height* right now cause the rain weighted the branches down....kinda like when we jump in cold water....:shock:
before ~ 8====>
after ~ 8=>
WOW.....see, you deserve rep just for your "bush" abilities! LOL, still won't let me do it. Ya think I could possibly get a 2" clone off that bad boy...um, girl? LOL, I'll settle for 1/4" :hug:
My dog? My hounds don't bother the Coyotes at all. Hey, it's all nature out here, I don't interfere. What happens....happens.

Are you sure your headlight didn't run into Bambi and not the other way around? :lol: I've had some close calls.

Great pics DocG. keepin it green!
LOL Cracker, you are notoriously the smartass as usual. :hug:
I'm an excellent driver, I'll have you know.....never been charged for accident one. Hehe, my insurance company keeps sending me money BACK to me as a reward.
Let's put it this way...rounding the bend at 35 mph...immediately slammed my breaks, barely nicked the hip of Bambi.....Bambi runs off into the sunset and I'm out a grand.:evil:
Hey, that was the second time. First time, it was dark...ran right into my bumper from literally NOWHERE.....I had just purchased a BRAND NEW car.......I pick up the doe...baby, very sad....and I take it to the vet. They put it to sleep. I had to watch Bambi's mother looking for their child for the following three nights! Guilt and anger all rolled up into one.
LOL, I felt so bad I wanted to go grieve with Bambis momma.
Babs please don't take offense but if boss is anything like me I love my animals like family and this goes with any animals you domesticate. Once you remove the animals natural fear of everything in general by domestication then it's your responsability to make sure it stays safe in it's own yard. Predators always go for the weak, and you have caused that animal (dog) to be weak threw domestication. It's not the same as hitting a dear at night then getting stuck with the repair bill, his "deer" will keep coming back and jumping in the road until he gets hit. If that makes sense at all kinda stoned sorry.

doc,Ho hijack looks mean and keep your ala'alas of the corn. You wasent sizing up ahh???lol or the thing looked so good you had to just rub your botoe against um a few times ahh? Lol me to some times. Lmao just make sure you no make seeds ahh!! Extra frosty dat one lmfao
LOL Kday...no offense taken at all. I was ALL for protecting the dog.....at whatever the cost. :peace:
I hope you don't mind if I get in on this. Your new saying there made me think of this song.


You folks are cracking me up tonight!! Thanks.:peace:
I saw pretty soon it's going to be one hand one the faded fish pipe!! Nice buy. I got one of his pipes about a month ago. It's real nice.:bigjoint:

Oh yes the clown quotes everybody has (I think I've seen 4 now) are great!! What a clown.:peace:
yeah man, mystic is a cool sport lol I seen other signatures with other qoutes of his as well, not just this one !! hahahahahha I give the dude credit for not changing his user name and staying "true" to himself.....I think Lmao
yeah man, mystic is a cool sport lol I seen other signatures with other qoutes of his as well, not just this one !! hahahahahha I give the dude credit for not changing his user name and staying "true" to himself.....I think Lmao

I'm all smoked out right and i can't stop Laughing..that was some funny shit..ahahahaha
yeah man, mystic is a cool sport lol I seen other signatures with other qoutes of his as well, not just this one !! hahahahahha I give the dude credit for not changing his user name and staying "true" to himself.....I think Lmao
If he did change his username we would recognize him by his posts.
Here is another one from tonight...
OMG I cant stop laughing.

honestly if I could dance or sing or rap maybe i'd fuck around with prison but I cant do any of that so I need to stay in school

I love that guy, :peace: