DR60.250w HPS. OG Raskal White Fire


Well-Known Member
looking good selective.
How many days?
stinky little babies I see..
I have 1 that I've been begging for over a month and its a stinky one and only like 5" tall lol
Its growth got stunted a while back
15 days from seed.

To be honest I'm going to hold off on a filter and vent fan till I get to about wek 4 of veg. I want to veg these girls out for about 35 days just to fill up the screen that will go in when I put them in 3 gal pots.

Im taking full advantage of not being limited to a PC case this time around.


Well-Known Member
Nice start Selective. I just realized that we started basically on the same day of germ. (Mine Jan 16th). So i will follow your lead and keep a close eye on this grow :)

They are looking real good. I seems like i should have started with something more than a 1 in pot. for most of my beans. As i only have 2 of 6 left and 1 of them is real small (most likely in shock since i had to move it around; I hope it recovers.

Good luck
It should recover. The only reason I have them in these cups right now is to get a good root mass going on and then transfer them to larger 3 gal pots. My friend suggested superthrive when transplanting them but I haven't had the need for it yet so we should be ok if you have to move them to a larger pot.

Good luck on your grow I would love to see some pics of it when its in flower. Dont mind if you thread jack either lol


Well-Known Member

They just got transplanted to 3 gal bags. FFOF soil mix.

Also picked up Dyna-Grow (Bloom & Grow) Protek was out of stock till next week :/

next on my list of things to get is an inline fan, a clip on fan, a duct booster to move some air in and a carbon filter. Then I should be set to finally close the lid on my temp and air flow issues.


Well-Known Member
How are they looking Selective?

How long were you planning on vegging for again? Any LST/Scrog plans?
Im shooting for 8 weeks of veg time on this go around; providing that I keep an even canopy this time. I have a desired height I want them to reach first before I flip them to flower so 8 weeks is just a rough estimate.

They are looking green and healthy right now , no signs of anything going south yet. Im waiting for hem all to recover from the transplant so just some basic watering and misting to help them get out of shock.

I ordered a Inline fan and carbon filter today so the setup is really starting to get dialed in now.


Active Member
Nice how many heads are you planning on getting?

I'm so close to giving up man everytime a grow is going good some fuken deficiency pops up =/.
I hope my plant survives through this.


Active Member
I believe I got some mg or MN deficiency.
I foliar fed 1/2tsp/gal of Epsom salt.
And added coffee grounds to my soil.
My leafs are turning lime green/yellow from the base to the tip.
After adding Epson salt nothing change actually got a little worse buy now that I did both coffee and the salt...
I got home today and the new growth looks a little better so hopefully no more complaining lol.
Thanks though.


Well-Known Member
I believe I got some mg or MN deficiency.
I foliar fed 1/2tsp/gal of Epsom salt.
And added coffee grounds to my soil.
My leafs are turning lime green/yellow from the base to the tip.
After adding Epson salt nothing change actually got a little worse buy now that I did both coffee and the salt...
I got home today and the new growth looks a little better so hopefully no more complaining lol.
Thanks though.
What's your soil mix ? And nutes?


Active Member
My soil is 25% ffof and 75% organic potting soil. Lots of wood chips in it though
Only reason I used it was because I had no money for more soil.
I had the organic soil sitting outside for outside a couple months.
I added some hydroton balls for some good drainage.
I started feeding 1tsp/gal of grow big 2 watering ago. I water once a week since I have small pots.
Maybe the size you had in your PC grow. Probably smaller.
I just flushed on monday with those same nutes.
Growth is still good a little slow but good. Roots already started coming out of the pot.
I can't transplant anymore since I started lsting already.


Well-Known Member
Whats the pH of the water you where using to mix the nutes in? I had some lockout on my first grow and just went a got some water from the stor to mix and flush them with and they came back to life. Are you in flower right now?


Well-Known Member

Just figured i would provide an update to the girls. They survived the transplant it seems.

Im going to wait a week to water them so the roots expand a little there is still plenty of moisture in the soil.


Active Member
I haven't tested ph but im pretty sure it's high.
I'm planning on getting one this weekend.
What kind of water did you buy at the store I had distilled water but it seems that's what kinda messed it up.
Any other good water I suggest.

Your ladies are look mighty fine.
Looks kinda like an indica strain.


Active Member
Yea I will.
Oh and im sorry im not inflower yet I want my plants to recover before I put them in flower.

So what kind of was it that you bought?
Purified or distilled
They sell this gallon water for 99cents at Wally world but it's meant for babies I guess it's purified water would that be better than my tap water?


Well-Known Member
i use distilled but I still checked the pH before using it.
This is a triple check kinda deal when growing lol


Active Member
I thought distilled was bad cus it had no minerals?
So basically you have too add your on minerals to it or am I wrong lol.

But then again it will be good cus I can mg to it and nutes and ill know what's in my water.
Can I mix Epsom salt and nutes in the same gallon?
I get distilled water for free =D


Well-Known Member
I thought distilled was bad cus it had no minerals?
So basically you have too add your on minerals to it or am I wrong lol.

But then again it will be good cus I can mg to it and nutes and ill know what's in my water.
Can I mix Epsom salt and nutes in the same gallon?
I get distilled water for free =D
I would have the assumption that you can based on how much shit people actually mix with water to feed these plants.

I would say not having any minerals in the water at first is a good starting point when mixing your nutes, at least then you know what is exactly in there EC wise but then again you need a PPM and PH tester to know for sure.

What nutes are you using? I switched over to Dyna-Grow, was surprised at how cheap and concentrated it is.