DR80, 400w HPS, Snow White & More!


Well-Known Member
Just fed them a dose of 5L water with 5ml Biobizz Grow and 10ml Biobizz Bloom, Im thinking maybe I was just going too light on it (1ml of each per litre), they are green but Id like them darker!
Biobizz are the bollocks. They are the only nutrient i use.
Sometimes when plants are toO green they are nitrogen intoxicated. Try to aviod this by gradually building up the nutes. peace


Well-Known Member
Just under 3 weeks, or since the pistils properly started appearing...I learnt something about growing non-autos yesterday, they need a SHITLOAD more water every time than Iv been giving them. Used 10L on the 6 of them yesterday only to find previously droopy things (I couldnt figure out what was causing it) pointing up looking for the light. God thats such an amateur mistake to make!

Ill take some more pics in a few mins of them now all standing up and healthy.


Well-Known Member
New pics, the one at the back right has been chopped for being a dirty shemale, but aside from that the rest look good! Starting to get real crystally (cant spell that, dont think its a real word anyways) but can only barely see it in the pics.



Well-Known Member
Have to water/feed them later, will take more pics then. The weird thing is one of them is mad light coloured, with tiny spindly weak little leaves and regardless of how much feed it gets its only greens up a bit on the new growth then fades again...but its the most profuse budding plant of them all, its covered in crystals with pistils EVERYWHERE...guess you should never throw out a plant based on its looks!


Well-Known Member
Loads of pictures, probably too many, but some nice crystal shots. Just starting week 4 flowering today, so 5ish weeks to go, gonna harvest a branch at 8 weeks and dry it for when Im harvesting the rest. :) Reckon Iv got a chance of some donkey dicks?



Active Member
harrekin they are looking sweet as! you must be very proud daddy with your little girls doing so well. plenty of juice on them aswell, id say youll get a nice harvest this time around. got the dr80 set up last night and squeezed five plants into it, very nice bit of kit!
good luck with rest of grow.
ps, when you attach your picks do you upload your pics or provide a link, if a link which box do you click on if you know what i mean. wont let me upload from pc in advanced?


Well-Known Member
Type [ img] before the link and [/ img] after with no spaces, should do the trick for you! I upload my pics tho.

And speaking of which heres my newest pics, not a whole lot bigger looking in these pics than last time, dont think Ill quite get the yield I wanted but its gonna be some AMAZING smoke, they dont call it Snow WHITE for nothing (Im glad I got those bubblebags!)...Ill let the pics tell the rest. bongsmilie:bigjoint:bongsmilie
Oh and Iv been rotating them, so direct comparisons to previous "group shots" is impossible sadly.

EDIT: Oh shit actually, I just remembered Iv a 200w 2700k CFL under my stairs...why isnt it in my tent?!?!



Well-Known Member
I don't know about the hps being faint. Lookin fab my friend. Hey pop over to my journal and take a look. I got a 400 watt veg room that ya may find interesting in a reference kind a way. Also check the 400 watt club thread. I haven't been there for a while but found it interesting when i was a 400 watt flowering dude. Peace


Well-Known Member
PS how old is the hps bulb? Thats normally a good indication of how efficient the bulb is. I change mine every 3-4 grows. peace


Well-Known Member
Its oldish, about 6 months on it? Anyways few quick shots I took earlier.

Actually, if you look at the last pic by filename, look at the top on the bottom right, zoom into it, its bizarre, it actually looks like a dandelion. All the growth is just loads of tiny leaflets with the odd pair of pistils sticking out. Ill take a pic of it specifically tomorrow.

