Dream Time Roots


Well-Known Member
a couple months ago,ANC had mentioned to me this root that has the power to make u dream very vivid and crazy. its been in the back of my mind for sometime now and i was just wondering if anyone else has ever had or experiemented with this. any info would be great brothers. thanks.


Well-Known Member
My mom wants dream herbs shes specifically asked me 3 times!! I read the same thread and am looking for it now. I think "mother in laws tongue" was one of them?


Well-Known Member
i think that was just ANCs name for it. even though it looked an awful lot the same. i havent heard of the other one. can i get sum info on it kind sir?


Well-Known Member
im guessing that maybe the pic he had was from out of his own personal garden and he had a strange breed of it. i wish the wizard would just grace us with his presence and just blow our minds right quick.


Well-Known Member
good for dreaming or just similar to a downer? the way that ANC described the effects of this root as that u just mix and drink before sleep and you have amazing dreams and wake up feeling fantastic. thats more or less what im looking for.


Well-Known Member
Maybe its valerian. I know it puts me to sleep.
This stuff makes me have vivid, and lucid dreams (with no side effects that I've noticed. maybe slight downer.). There's a lot of dream roots, so I'm not sure which one he was referring to. With google, you get silene capensis as the main result. I've never tried that.

You can buy it at GNC. There is probably better places online.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Many herbal shops will carry it. You can also get it from any number of the mass produced herbal manufacturers such as Jamieson or the like


Well-Known Member
here dude, this is the post your talking about
Synaptolepis kirkii / uvuma-omhlope, also knows as mother in law's tongue.
Its nice and fluffy when ground up.
Take about 400mg before bed. Shit will blow your mind.



The bioassay-guided fraction of a dichloromethane extract from the roots of Synaptolepis kirkii using neuronal viability as a model allowed the isolation of the new daphnane orthoester kirkinine (1a) as a powerful neurotrophic constituent.
What are neurotrophins? :
Neurotrophins are a family of molecules that encourage survival of nervous tissue.
A molecule, usually a protein, that will facilitate the growth or repair of nerve cells.
A protein, such as nerve growth factor, that promotes nerve cell growth and survival.
and the thread i took it from, if you want to confirm...