Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have some good phenos to work with.
The only purps I had didnt start till week 6 and was minimal.

Now if you lowered the temps I might of,But mine were never
lower then the upper 60s,there entire life.

My buddy did lower his and did get purple,But nothing drastic.
I do love the taste,Not as RKS as the original SL from yrs ago.
But it does have a skunky smell and taste.
Very skunky smelling during F,SO BE READY.
Its at its worst at harvest.Will stink up the hole drying area.



Well-Known Member
Hahaha i stopped looking at the thread man... lol fuck him

BEECH thanks man. We will see whats up with the purp in it. I'm running low 70°'s


Well-Known Member
oh ok good shit bro no rush did ur kid have a good time, i love throwing kids party last year i rented the whole skateing rink and she loved it, just wish i was spoiled when i was a kid my family was so poor i never got anything


Well-Known Member
I grew up with nothing. My daughter has everything plus some more. Times two. Lol... She is my life. Nothing matters more tome than she does.

I dont want another child. Not even worried about a boy. I grew up with a sister... not fun. Lol
Not because i dont wanna raise another. I just never want her to feel like she's not the number one.


Well-Known Member
From now on all pics will be by request... i have a whole bunch of projects going on here and being on a cell phone makes it all so much harder to update.

Once I get a new hard drive or computer i will be here again regularly.
Until then ask for pics or go to
I have the app and it's a million times easier to post my picture updates.

Don't worry, I'm not leaving RIU. Just having issues since the PC went. the non existant daily picture updates should be a dead giveaway.