Drinking a Joint


One of my dad's friend's told me about this. But he is the type of guy that tells you about a lot of shit, as in he never shuts the fuck up. So I usually take what he has to say with a grain of salt. But if this works it would be cool. He claims that if you put smoke into a frosted mug the cold of the mug will prevent the smoke from escaping. So you spark a joint, and once it's lit you put the hot in your mouth (being careful not to burn yourself) and blow into the frosted mug. After you reverse smoke the joint, the frosted mug supposedly has a joint worth of smoke that you can now sip on. Has anyone ever done this? Does it work?


Awesome... I posted this in the wrong spot... It was supposed to go in Toke N Talk, not Grow Room Design. Oops, sorry.


Well-Known Member
This is how I take knife hits of hash. Just get the hash dot hot enough to the point of smoking and then hold it in the frozen upside down cup and let the cup fill with smoke.Inhale. Another way to do this is poke a hole in the bottom of a fast food cup and hold the smoking hash in the upside-down cup and hit it through the hole you poked.