Drip Hydro System

I have a drip hydro system that is working alright right now because the roots havent left the starter cubes yet. But they seem to be growing really slow and I havent figured out how often I am supposed to water them since it is a drip system and all the info I can find is on ebb and flow systems. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Btw its a 10 bucket system, under a 1000watt mh light.
Typically 3 times during light-on hours with the last watering about an hour before lights out. What is your mixture like? (PPM, pH)
i have the lighting period on for 24 hours, ive read this is good. altho im not so sure about it.

please can someone tell me for sure what my watering pattern needs to be and what my lighting pattern needs to be

dont worry about my ph or nutes, i got that covered.


Active Member
Ive got a similar system, 4 5gal buckets, 50 litre rez, I just leave my drip on all the time. I use drip sticks and just point them to the bottom of the net pot, that way the nutes just drip to the bottom of the net pot and the water soaks up into the hydroton and then into the rockwool. maybe i should have the drip on a timer but... i think its all the rate of drip and personal pref
I actually have found luck with once every 3 hours for 5 mins. Plants seem to love it and it keeps everything moist. I was having a problem with over nutting when it was on a once every hour for 5 min schedule. :/ I really dont see how the 24 hour drip works for ppl? I would think that they would be over watered and over nuted??


Active Member
i am in hydroton & net pots & never turn off my drippers.. drippers?? i dont even use them, i let the water flow from the tubing


Active Member
I started my seedlings in 1" rockwool and then moved on to 4" after that I moved the 4" cubes into 9"x9" square pots filled with hydroton. I was feeding them at 11 and 5 both am/pm for 15 min. with an 18/6 I just recently switched them to every 2 hours the pump will run for 15 mins we shall see how they do. With just the rockwool 3 times a day was enough but I figure with the roots running down into the hydroton I should probably water more. Now of course I am only running my nutes at about 900ppm.


Active Member
"900 ppms in veg? im about 3 weeks veg & 800 ppms "

yup I am in week 5 they are apporoximatley 16-20" atm I will flip them over here in a week or so.
Im running
AN Sensi AB
VooDoo Juice


Active Member
yup I am in week 5 they are apporoximatley 16-20" atm I will flip them over here in a week or so.
Im running
AN Sensi AB
VooDoo Juice
im going into or at week 4 & my tallest plant is 16". my smallest plants are closer to 10". averaging 12-14" between 2 tables. i would guess im about the same pace as you although im planning in flipping them to 12/12 in a couple of days. check my grow log let me know what you think