driving to cali soon


Active Member
ok so im driving to cali soon from tx i plan on taking I-10 all the wat thru to cali i plan on MAYBE stoping in elpaso does any one think it will be safe to carry a lil head :joint::weed::joint:stash:joint::weed::joint: for my self or nah ??????


stays relevant.
Anything under an ounce is a ticket. Don't trip. In fact most cops wont even confiscate it. Bring plenty of bud, you'll need it to deal with all of the dumb ass drivers and middle eastern guys trying to sell you cell phones.



Active Member
its juts trips me out you know cuz in el paso there is a lot of crime and shit cuz of the warring cartels and shit i just dont want to get stoped at a check point in el paso and the take me to jail cuz i have liek a 4th or so with me you know what i mean


New Member
its juts trips me out you know cuz in el paso there is a lot of crime and shit cuz of the warring cartels and shit i just dont want to get stoped at a check point in el paso and the take me to jail cuz i have liek a 4th or so with me you know what i mean
dont look suspicious


Active Member
im gonna be traveling with my wife and are 9 week old son so i dont have to worry bout looking suspicious but dont they use drug dogs at the check points


Well-Known Member
I drove from florida to cali a couple of months ago took I-10 the whole way, rolled 2 blunts for the trip, I didn't really see to many cops, plus its so open out there and most of the cop stops are people going east bound ie mexican brick going east. You should be good but don't ever get complacent.


Active Member
im looking at like a 23 hour drive and plan on stoping in el paso and im gonna need somting to smoke on long trip i just want to have some when i cross over the tx border in to AZ and NM


I drove from Cali to TX last year smoking the whole way there, I had the bong sitting between my legs in my lap the whole ride haha... You're good to go man, it's so open from the border of Cali to the border of TX, you probably don't have anything to worry about.