DRO bagseed: 1st OFFICIAL GROW

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
Here ya go.....

would you look at that, the mg organic is working :lol: only the first[pic] plant has it

and that was the one that I said looked sick :wall: but thank god she is beautiful :clap:



Well-Known Member
not to bash but that soil looks terrible looks like bark or mulch man, you really gotta do somthing about that before you transplant them!


Well-Known Member
in all your cups has like wood chips and shit in it, i know its prolly just the soil, but roots need to be able to move through the soil it cant go through sticks very well.


Well-Known Member
ya he has been in that prob for a min now
he knows that already lol
either he dont have the money or he dont have a ride right el?


Well-Known Member
im trying to think if u would be able to flush the shit out of it a bunch of times to get that
food release ou of it
but i dont know
do u have ph tester?


Well-Known Member
well i went there in the fish section near the aquarium
i went and stole some they dont even have detection stickers on them
so went and started chillin making belive looking all busy reading shit which i was then
i went and grabed a box walked around the store and from a distance look slanted up for camras and went near where thier really wasnt any as when i was near i started taking it out the box and put it in my coat sleeve and threw the box on the shelf and kept walking while i was doing it and kept it moving :0)
i never got caught.and im going to keep doing it when i need more too