drooping leaves, yellow spots, yellowing leaves!

spider mites. so many people have told me its from over watering. its not.
ALWAYS check under your leaves! if it looks like salt and pepper under your leaves, you have spider mites. they are almost microscopic! so look hard.
if you are too late and notice webs, you'll be fighting them for the rest of the plant life. and taking clones from a plant with mites is not gonna happen, they die.

if you have mites and have caught them early, you can pretty much eliminate them. ONLY if you catch them early, if you dont, your doomed.
what works the BEST is HORTICULTURE OIL & VINEGAR mix as a FOLIAR SPRAY. about 10ml of horticulture oil and 10ml of vinegar. spider mites hate bitterness. spray your plant every second day, and SOAK every part of it. hold the plant upside down and spray the underside of the leaves. dont forget to spray the soil!

another way to deter mites is by having vegetables like onions and dill in with your plants. any bitter-tasting plant will work, just put in in the centre of your plants.
NO tomatos.. they are attracted to plants like tomatos, carrots, yam, etc. sweet tasting vegetables.

alot of people wonder WHERE they come from. you can get mites from a clone that was given to you. spider mites can live in the soil that you buy. dont buy natural soil! you can buy sterilized soil that has NO bugs or anything in it. your plants DONT need natural soil to get nutrients and grow big, you feed them!

i had mites and didnt even know until they made webs! i thought it was an over-watering problem. 2 out of 3 of my mother plants died in flower stage with about 60 buds combined.. :( they were grown in schultz african violet soil.

so the signs of spider mites are:

-drooping leaves
-yellowish speckled leaves
-yellowing from the stem -out
-salt and pepper under your leaves!
-TINY webs

SPIDER MITES ARE YOUR WORST ENEMY! dont just pass this buy.

GOOD LUCK to all my fellow agriculturalists!



Well-Known Member
Neem oil is another deterrent to mites. I spray my soil, plants, pots, floors, etc....and have never seen one in my growroom, although I've had them in my plants downstairs, in my kitchen.