Droopy leaves and a plant that has clearly not grown much.


Well-Known Member
First time grow. Managed to get a very good setup (for a first time grow, anyway) 2x 400w HPS and MH bulbs. Fans in and out. Temperature always at 80-95 degree's. Hopefully I'd be able to get a response from some of you all to see what the issue(s) are and how to resolve them? It's been about a 32 days since growth from seed. Using GH nutes.

IMG_2967.jpg - droopy one, seems healthy to me. I have just fed it (5ml, 2.5ml, 2.5ml) after watering it previously 3 days ago. It can't be over watering, right?
IMG_2968.jpg(pineapple chunk)
IMG_2969.jpgIMG_2970.jpg - This one seems to be relatively okay to me, slow growth, but very bushy. About 4 nodes in just that space. Little droopy. Also fed 5ml, 2.5ml, 2.5ml (GH series) (ak-47)
IMG_2972.jpgIMG_2971.jpg - Slight nute burn, I have been flushing for the past week, almost every two days. Just fed it 2.5, 2.5, 2.5ml. (GH series) Very little growth. (Tap root broke when I planted it inside the small grodan cube. Also dropped (oops)) (White widow)

What do you guys think? Any help would be fantastic. Thank you. (I water then feed, then water, then feed etc. I usually water and feed every 2 days, sometimes 1 if I feel as if it's not moist enough and has been hot.)


Well-Known Member
80-95 is too big of a swing IMO. 95 is too hot. You should be aiming for 75-80. Slow growth could definitely be caused from the heat.


Well-Known Member
How can I adjust the heating then? I mean, I have an external fan that comes from outside to inside the grow room, so fresh, cold air is supplied... and an extractor also... How can I lower the heat? They are both expensive fans too haha!
More info on your setup would be great. As big boy said it's probably heat stress. Higher temps are okay if you are CO2 enriching. I've always heard low 80s are okay for max temps, never over 90. Preferably mid 70s though.


Well-Known Member
I can provide you with any information you need to know, just let me know what things you need to know and I'll get right on putting it here.
Room size, light distance from plants, both lights or just one, light schedule, intake/exhaust fan placement, hydro system or hand water, water pH.


Well-Known Member
Room size is roughly 5.5-6 ft tall, light distance is roughly 1-2 feet for each one, light schedule is 18/6, intake is coming in through the bottom and exhaust through the top then out and it's hand water, water ph for pinapple is 5.8, ph for AK-47 is 6-6.2 and White widow is 6.3-4
Are the lights air cooled (do they have holes on either side for ducting )? And you can probably just use one 400 light for vegging if possible. Then when your plants get bigger and ready for flowering, add the other light. Typically you need less light for seedlings, more for veg, and as much as possible for flowering.

As far as pH, 5.6-8 is what you want for hydro, 6.2-5 for soil. That could be why your pineapple is larger than your others


Well-Known Member
Good news, the plants are back to normal again! Woo! Plus, little bit of growth since, too! I have some algae growing, could that be an important factor? I have covered the top of the media with black bin liner for now to stop light from reaching the algae. The lights are not cooled and I wish I had known that earlier! I've been using one mh and one hps since 1-2 week old seedlings haha! Oh well. Thank you for your response.