Droopy leaves off and on.


Active Member

I am growing 9 strains all at 1-5 weeks old from sprout.

Some plants are healthier then others, obviously with so many varieties of plants.

I was stressing myself out trying to figure out if they where under or over watered.

I don't think they where either because I am in coco and I let the top dry out completely over 2-5 days.

Can anyone tell me if it is normal for plants to droop and pick back up at the beginning and the end of the night cycle?

The problem looks pretty uniform after the plants get to there 5 finger leaf sets.

Or can I do better?

Please check out my journal.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
yess. it is normal. Plants always look drooped at night. Perspiration stops and leaves drop a bit, light comes back on the water starts flowing again and leaves perk up. yea, check how much the temp drops at night... right before the lights kick on.


Active Member
I did notice that when I turned the lights on for about an hour during the night the wanted to perk up a little. And today they are looking way better. Interesting.