Droopy leaves with yellow spots


Active Member
Hey everyone, a little background on my setup so you can help me. I cant find the form so" using 1000w dual arc cooled by an inline (temperature is not an issue), sunshine mix #4 soil with perlite, dolomite lime and peat moss. I am watering only when the pot feels almost dry weight, and feeding 1/4 strength fox farms products (have the full set) every other watering. I know im not overwatering or overfeeding, temps are good, PH is 6.5 -7.0. I am using a water filter that filter chlorine and sediment and flouride. Yet my leaves at times (like today when I got there) are very droopy, some of them almost touching the dirt. There are spots on some of the lower leaves that are yellowing and a little browning on one. Leaf tips are curling down on most of them as well. What is going on?


Well-Known Member
i assume if they are touching the soil then they are the bottom leaves which normally indicate a lack of nitrogen, too much would burn the tips at the new top growth. spots are zinc def. without photos i suggest bumping the nutes til the tips show a small yellow tip then back off a little.


Active Member
thats what I was thinkin but I thought grow big was gonna be fine for N. im gonna back off the big bloom which is food, and give a little more grow big and some PH down and see if that works. thanks for the help. addin rep
how do I add pics anyway? it says enter the url but im trying to load them from my computer?


Well-Known Member
on quick reply you selet the little framed tree icon. mine pops up with a tab selectable at the top one says from computer one says from url