Droopy plant...again

Day 5 of flower and my one GSC seems to be drooping the past few days. I've been watering it with RO water with 1/4 strength nutes and it's the only plant that seems to be unhappy I'm feeding them all the same nutes. My stems are turning red too.


Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Could be a few things, but since your not seeing it with the others that are receiving the same factors then maybe its hungrier than the others. I don't grow soil so I'm not familiar with how you'd measure but I run dwc and I would be measuring the EC/PPM/orwhateveracronym of the feeding water and then measure it again after the plant as fed for a few days. That would then tell me how much nutes to supply.

Unfortunately drooping leaves point to a lot of things so you could really chase your tale with it, I had this issue when I first started growing, I ended up buying a EC/PPM meter and then realized I was starving my poor plant... Best of luck figuring your problem out
Yeah from what I hear, every grower has a different style. I just need to figure out the basics then build on them. Thanks guys for all the help!


Well-Known Member
can you get a photo from the side ?


-What's the PH of your soil

-The color and leaf tips seem fine it might just be over watered instead of under nuted
Yeah I will when I wake them up and Not the PH of the soil but ive been phing the water to 6.5 and I've been watering them every 4 days so they get pretty dry before every feeding


Well-Known Member
watering them every 4 days
is it in a 2 gallon pot under only LED's ?

if so depending how much water you are giving them its possible this one might like it a little dryer, that being said droopy leaves is similar to a cough as a symptom, you know something is wrong but that's not enough to pinpoint easily, but the watering issue is the easiest to fix. :bigjoint:

You also mentioned RO water do you take it all the way down to 0 PPMs , If so do you then add CALMAG to the water along with nutes for feeding.


Well-Known Member
I am growing in a mixture primarily of potters gold inside 2 gallon pots under 3 600 watt mars hydro LEDs at the moment

With vegging plants this size

I fed them twice with a 1/4 strength dose of the emerald triangle nutes at the 5th node then again this last watering on Sunday. Even with my 3 600's and fans going it takes 4-5 days before my plants read dry on the moisture meter and i usually give them 24 more hours past that before i water them again. everyone's environment is different though is the point I'm trying to make and especially with soil i wouldn't get to set in on a watering " schedule" and focus more on watering when they need it.

All of this aside I still have no idea if over watering is even an issue for you and the feeding schedules for you and me would be different since you are already flowering.

In terms of Moisture / PH one of these goes a long way for 26$




Well-Known Member
exactly just with easier to read LED screen to take out a little of the guess work, so with that if you know you moisture and ph are good then i would go the route of maybe shes a little more hungry then the other girls, have you started to see any early pistols yet ?


Well-Known Member
Plant is healthy but needs nitrogen.The droopy leaves are due to the red weak stems.Red stems can be a sign of deficiency in any of the 3 macro nutrients and also magnesium,but looking at your plant all I really see is some yellowing lower leaves common to a nitrogen deficiency.Could be needing some P as well.

Red stems can also be harmless and genetic,with a lack of any other symptoms.
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I just got some cal mag and bumped the nutes up to 1/2 strength, then mixed it into my feed. So I guess we'll see after I feed next!