Droopy plant. Might be PH. Need PH Experts.


Active Member
Hello everyone. So I have read and commented and now its my turn to ask for help.

Im Growing in Soil. 4 parts soil, 1 part per-lite, 1 part peat moss.
The girl is 3 weeks old. As of 3 days ago she started to sag a little with the lower leafs, day two it was starting to get a lighter green yellow tips, today lighter green color, tips are brown and all leafs are sagging/curling. I figured I over watered and let her dry out until the next morning. (I water almost everyday) I watered with 1/2 strength Miracle Grow. (1/4 teaspoon Per Gallon)

My PH is currently and has been for 3 days now about 7.4-7.6, I understand that to be a little high but Im thinking now maybe its causing nute lockout. If that is the case what is an easy way to lower the PH. I was thinking of adding a little fresh lime juice in the next watering?

If you think its something else let me know.
Oh yeah. Growth as slowed my about half at least.



Active Member
that is your problem your watering way to much water once to twice a week. once a day is way to much


Active Member
yeah I understand it might seem so. But my current pot is only a 1 quart pot. it dries out fast. My rooms temp is usually 82-85 durring the day and 78-80 at night.

Also any opinions on the ph level?


Active Member
You are watering to much and your PH level is to high so your plants are suffering nute lockout. In the future add Dolemite to your soil to help buffer, ph your water down to 6.5 with ph down, lemon juice or whatever you use. Just keep watering with this and let ur soil dry out in between waterings.