Droopy plant! (pics)


Well-Known Member
So my plant was doing just fine yesterday, im pretty sure i burned it by fertilizing way too early, i ended that. but anyways im growiung under cfl's and then jst getting then up to about six inches and then moving them outside... heres some pics. please help

Why is the stem changing color at the top?



The set up... (dont bang the lights, they work for what i need them for)


Thanks everyone.


Active Member
looks like the same problem i've been facing. I thought they were overwatered, havent got any response to my posts on the subject though. If you find out how to correct this, it would be greatly appreciated to know also!

I stopped watering for a couple days and let the soil dry out. From there, I have no idea when to start again..


Well-Known Member
looks like over watering. let it dry for a day or so then water it but don't over do it. normally you can stick your finger about 2 inches in the soil and if its moist then the plant doesn't need watering at that time. letting your plants soil dry out from time to time prevents root rot and promotes good vigorous root growth. i hope this helps:) Peace.


Well-Known Member
droopy leaves usually means over or underwatering. You'll know if you are underwatering because the plants can survive in pretty damn dry soil.

Also, I'm not knocking your lights (I know peps who have used fewer lights). Just an FYI those look like red spectrum lights, blue spectrum (daylight) bulbs work much better.


Active Member
yeah. you will get much better results with Daylight (blue) for veg. Then get some Y splitters and add the one you have. But I use CFLs and I have 6 24w-100W on one plant on its 6th node. I also plan on adding 4 more when I flower.


Well-Known Member
I'd change my lights to more cool blue. and ur plants look pretty stretched... how far are u keeping the lights? u should keep em 3 inches off the top.. if using floros though


Well-Known Member
im getting a hps soon so light should be alot better...
but, ive done the soil deal with the finger, everytime i decide to water. usually its fine sometimes i have to water i check everyday.