droopy plant


Well-Known Member

the linked pick, please click on the image once the link loads to see it up close.

this is 1 plant of 12, on the front left, not 4 days ago it looked just like the plant to its right.

I have checked the dripper it is working, I have elevated the smaller tray it is in (inside a bigger tray) so the roots are not sitting in any standing water.

the other 4 of that strain are all vigorous and doing well, as are all the other plants in the system.

any ideas as to why it looks totally fucked up and all the others are fine? I have already flushed it, as well as flushing and reloading the reservoir, and testing the dripper to ensure that it is getting fed. waited 3 days for any changes, but nothing, so here I am.

edit: PH is 5.7 -6.0, ppm was 800 prior to flush, and 800 after reload. they have been watered 30 mins 3 times a day for the last 3 weeks 5 days. I cant set the timers for less than 30 mins at the moment, but am going to buy a more advanced timer soon.


Well-Known Member
it looks "fucked' just as you said. it appears to be lacking water. did the main stalk break down in the cube? i've seen this happen. for some reason it's root system has shut down. it's not getting water. it's gonna be dead in 3 days. i am soooo sorry. :(


Well-Known Member
dead in 3 days... lol

I will dissect it then, to see what happened.

thanks for the reply FDD, will post what I find inside the cube.


Well-Known Member
Thats odd,,, i have a runt as well... and it hasn't grown like the others... it just stays droopy.. i dont know why.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I am sorry to say that it is a goner, just like FDD said. There's no telling why, but I did get offered a suggestion from DirtyBoy on the one that I had like yours.

Originally Posted by Dirtyboy
If its only one plant. That strain did not like what ya did. If its the same strain then its genes did not like it. Or that plant got more water or a big shot of nutes. Mix your nutes in your water then check the ph. Some let there water with nutes sit for a while and then check ph again.

Atleast it is only one plant, a couple years ago, I had 3 go south on me like that. Just get it out of there and move on. :mrgreen:

Good luck on your grow



Well-Known Member
will get pics in later, its root system is very underdeveloped compared to the others, aside from some slight brown tinge on the roots near the stem, it all looked healthy.

I will be changing my veg table to ebb and flow to avoid any future occurences of underwatering, if that was the culprit (I think that the dripper may have been clogged, and have noticed that the drippers are not all equal, so flood and drain would correct that issue.)

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Ebb and flow systems are nice and that was the first way I grew back in the day. But for root development you can't beat DWC or Hempy Buckets (from what I'm told, I am just in the process of switching to Hempy myself).

True enough on the clogging drippers, that is the kind of maint. that I am moving away from. DWC seems like a great system in theory, but in practice, it's a lot of work.
